2020 wasn’t just the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it also created a silent mental health epidemic. The CDC outlines that “40% of U.S. adults reported struggling with mental health or substance use.” High levels of stress and anxiety aren’t just hard to experience, but they can also lead to health issues, burn-out, low performance and avoidable mistakes in the workplace.
So, how can companies support their employees’ mental and emotional wellness in a COVID world? Especially when so many of us are working from home, and many of the traditional options for stress relief are no-longer available due to social distancing? How can organizations find new and innovative ways to boost employees’ wellness while also increasing the company’s creativity, productivity, and performance?
That’s where breathwork comes in… Loved and practiced by elite athletes, military, and large companies like Nike, LinkedIn, Google and JP Morgan, breathwork is the perfect tool to clear out stress, optimize balance, and create a bond that’ll encourage people to work more cohesively as a team.
The benefits of breathwork.
Breathwork is an “active meditation” that reduces stress and promotes clarity by increasing oxygen and lowering cortisol production.
Additional benefits include:
– Sharpened focus and boost of energy levels.
– Increased creativity, innovation, and performance.
– Improved quality of sleep.
– Strengthened immune system and detoxification.
– Deepened relaxation and a calmer nervous system.
– A greater sense of emotional balance.
– Increased feelings of gratitude and joy.
– Enhanced team collaboration and sense of community.
– Encouraged confidence, empowerment and self-esteem.
– Insights into behaviours, trends and problem solving.
– Reduction of depression, anxiety and burnout.
How does it work?
The process is simple. We’ll meet on Zoom or Teams. You’ll lay on your back in a comfortable position and be guided through a simple “circular breathing” technique. Music will help motivate and relax you. Unlike traditional meditation, you won’t wonder if you’re doing it right or if it’s actually working. The impact of breathwork is both undeniable and immediate – just like a great workout (but without sweating). The entire experience is 60 minutes.

Breathwork is facilitated by Jacob Sokol, a mindfulness coach who’s been called “a master of human connection”. Over the last 10 years, Jacob has coached CEOs, world-class musicians, elite athletes, supreme court lawyers, and just about every other profession – helping them make challenging decisions that lead to more impact, success, and balance. Jacob’s earlier work on the science of happiness has reached millions of people.
Booking a complimentary session for your company.
In response to the silent mental health epidemic of 2020, Jacob is on a mission to bring breathwork to as many people as possible.
If you’re part of a company, organization, or large group that could benefit from breathwork, please reach out to [email protected].
We’re looking for groups of people, anywhere in size, from dozens to hundreds. If you’re a good fit, Jacob would be happy to facilitate a breathwork session at no cost.

Dr. Aziz Gazipura, Founder of The Center For Social Confidence
“Jacob brought breathwork to my conference of 100+ people and it was POWERFUL. Participants kept talking all weekend about how light and clear they felt after.”

Bethany Pearson O’Connor,Light-Catcher (Photographer)
"For anybody considering this, I cannot say enough about these journeys with Jacob. I'd say I make more progress in one breathwork session with him than I do in many months of therapy. It feels like a physical lightening of my spirit, and the insights I get are groundbreaking.”
Questions? Hit us up.