Shout outs for Jacob

Brian Johnson, Founder + CEO at Heroic
"Jacob Sokol is awesome. I love his enthusiasm for life along with his commitment to living with virtue and purpose while enjoying the whole process. If you’re looking to create more happiness, meaning and mojo in your life, I think you’ll love working with him."

Pilar Gerasimo, Editor in Chief at Experience Life Magazine
"Jacob Sokol is a marvel — a young wisdom-seeker and thought leader with intelligence, equanimity, insight and generosity well beyond his years. Yet he also brings a shockingly clear, fresh perspective to everything he does. All of this makes working with him a fun, energizing, deeply gratifying adventure. If you’re looking for no-BS, real-life street smarts and youthful exuberance mixed with old-soul intelligence, Jacob is your guy."

Mastin Kipp, Best Selling Author and Speaker
"I LOVE working with Jacob Sokol, he is a part of the new generation of young leaders who are bringing a fresh and creative energy to the personal growth space. Jacob is my bro and I’m so grateful that he’s doing his thing in the world."

Scott Dinsmore, Founder of Live Your Legend & Creator of How to Connect with Anyone
"Jacob is one of the most passionate, energetic and dedicated-to-improvement people I know. He knows how to get to the core of the change people know they need to make, and then walks them through the process to make it stick. End result – more happiness and passion for all. I love seeing a guy so focused on making people better."

Jenny Blake, Life Coach Author of Life After College
"Jacob is an amazing coach who lives by example. He is deeply insightful and in-touch with what’s happening in the world, yet maintains a fun, playful, down-to-earth demeanor that makes him an ideal coach for twenty-and-thirty somethings (anyone, really!). I leave every conversation with Jacob smiling."

Alan Cohen, Author of 24 Popular Inspirational Books
"Working to fix problems that the world is currently facing will provide incredibly meaningful and financially fulfilling opportunities for Young Adults. I see Jacob as one of the leaders. I can hear it in his energy, I hear his verbiage, and I hear it in his vision."
Shout outs for Jacob's coaching

Bethany Pearson O'Connor, Light-Catcher (Photographer) at Bethany O
“It would be hard to find words to do justice to my coaching experience with Jacob. I didn’t jump into the year-long commitment without reservation, as it was the most I’d ever invested in myself, but now I can say that this has easily been the most meaningful, impactful and transformative investment I’ve ever made.
If you had told me a year ago where my life would be today – in terms of happiness, romance, confidence, inner peace, business or wealth – I wouldn’t have believed you. (In fact several times this year, I’ve told Jacob I needed to “suspend disbelief” about his vision for me…and now I’m living those very visions.)
Jacob is uniquely and intuitively skilled at hearing what’s behind the things I’m telling him. He takes our conversations in unpredictably helpful directions, sees a bigger future for me than I ever saw for myself, and inspires me by his example; the guy walks the freakin walk. I’ll be eternally thankful that our paths have crossed in this lifetime. Am I sounding over the top about what a world-class coach and person he is? So be it. If you have the opportunity to work with him, don’t short yourself. (Say “HELL YEAH!!”)“

Drew Davis, Professional Athlete, Illinois, US
“Before working with Jacob, I wasn’t sure where to turn, I was lost. I had been reading self-help/ motivation/growth/strategy books for years, I had an advanced degree, and I had worked with a different coach. I felt like I had checked all of the boxes and wasn’t sure what to do next.
My relationships were strained, my career felt directionless, and I was clinging desperately to my physical fitness as the only thing that I could control in my life. I felt like I was working as hard as I could and I didn’t have any energy or emotion left to give.
Since working with Jacob, my relationship with my wife, my daughter, and my family have improved dramatically. I changed careers and am getting more attention for the work that I love doing. I’ve never been healthier and I’ve developed practices around meditation and journaling that I use every single day. I have more joy, love and laughter than I can remember.
And the crazy part? The internal changes DWARF the changes to my external reality. Working with Jacob is like getting contact lenses for your life. The blurry, stingy, frustrating reality becomes clear and simple.
My inner voice is now kind, funny, and thoughtful rather than angry, sad, and lonely. My mind is clear and patient. I overreact to the world around me less and less and feel fully in control of my energy and emotions. The changes in my external life are simply reflections of the new found clarity and peace that I have been able to create within.
Here’s the thing: I HATE using the language above because I know that it’s such a turnoff to many people who need this help. But I want you to feel something in your heart when you read this. I want you to feel it in your gut. I want you to think, “Holy shit, this guy was me. He gets it!”
I DO get it. I know you. I know your frustration, and your sense of urgency, and your work ethic, and your sadness. I know YOU. I was there. And now I’m not. And that can be you too.
The internal and external changes in my life have been too numerous to count, so I will instead offer one key piece of information: 7. Seven is the number of people in 2019 who have told me that I have changed and it’s only February. It has been a tremendous gift, and I am still so excited to see what else I might discover on this journey with him.“

Jana Dybinski, Ottawa, Canada
“When I started working with Jacob life was good and I was happy. But, I could feel something was missing. Even with all the success I had, there was this nagging feeling like I wasn’t living my most authentic life. Jacob helped me find clarity. With his guidance I connected to myself on a new level.
Today I feel wise in my mind and my body. I’ve stopped caring about what others think – from blaring whatever the fuck song I want really loud from my car, to being more confident sharing my ideas and myself. I don’t hide the way I once did, simultaneously scared of being too much and also not enough. I pursue my bravest ideas.
The way I trust and know myself now makes it easy to be more empathetic, supportive and encouraging to others. I don’t listen to find a solution anymore, I listen to understand from a heart-led space. My husband, daughter, family, and the teams I manage all benefit from this (my boss even mentioned that he’s seen a change in how courageously I lead). I have clarity on what I want and confidence in my ability to get it.
Working with Jacob is hand’s down the best investment I’ve ever made. If you have a chance to work with him, take it!!!”

Michael Balchan, President + Head Coach at Optimize Enterprises PBC Chicago, US
“Working with Jacob should come with a warning: be careful what you wish for, because he will help you make it come true. I use the tools that he taught me (literally!!) every single day. My life is exponentially better for it. (And because of him.)”

Christine Start, Deputy Public Defender and Founder at FireStarter Coaching, California, US
“Jacob is truly a coaching king! I was drawn to work with Jacob three years ago after watching him during a web-based interview. There was something genuine about the way he inspired me– it was the way in which he communicated– it encouraged me to embrace my authentic self.
Through my participation in three of his masterminds/coaching programs and our one-on-one coaching sessions, I have felt my presence unravel into the embodiment of a woke goddess warrior queen mama! Jacob has challenged the way I look at my life and relationships. One of my most profound transformations in mindset is that Jacob has helped me to believe that I am 100% capable and able to actualize my potential doing meaningful work serving others while making more than enough money to live the life I desire.
Jacob has also opened my heart into a more exciting albeit uncomfortable way of living. Whether in work or play, I operate from a place of courageous curiosity and fierce vulnerability. The work we have done together set the foundation for the heart-based leadership I exercise and practice on the daily.
Jacob’s coaching also help center and prioritize my meditation practice which in turn has taught me how to self-regulate my nervous system from a subconscious level. I am a calmer, more patient and present person better able to navigate life’s stressors. Because of Jacob’s heart-based coaching, I operate at a higher level of consciousness than ever before.
Most recently, the work we have done together has been pivotal to uncovering my visionary super powers and how to utilize these powers in my intimate relationship as well during my pregnancy as a new mama. I am grateful to Jacob and his king coaching skills.“

Becky Cassel, Space Vehicle Manager at Lockheed Martin, Colorado, US
“I had made the leap; I left a great career that was no longer meaningful to me. In my search for ‘what’s next?’, I felt groundless and didn’t know where to start. Being an engineer, I thought I could figure it out myself; but in reality, I was stuck.
I was introduced to Jacob Sokol’s work, and my initial response was ‘how can a guy who starts all his greetings with ‘yo’ help me? I need someone serious.’ But once I saw how Jacob was able to meet people where they were at, regardless of issue, age, personality, etc., I decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did.
After completing the program, I no longer feel stuck. My self-awareness has improved dramatically. I have created a strong foundation in myself I am confident in and that enables me to approach situations and frame issues in constructive ways. Even my husband and others around me have noticed this shift.
Jacob has given me the tools to change my life. While I still may not say the word ‘yo’ in everyday conversation, I can now say that I am definitely rockin’ my inner game!”

Chris Davis, Network Systems Administrator at National Eye Institute, Maryland, US
“When I first came across Jacob Sokol, I was in the early stages of exploring beyond my Day Job, which I had become comfortable and complacent in, for possibilities of other types of work in which I could be of service and find more meaning and fulfillment.
Working with Jacob did nothing short of transforming my life.
Over the course of 2 years working together, my growth and clarity were catapulted to a whole new level. On top of the more expected elements of my experience working with Jacob, such as Consistency, Accountability, Learning, and Identifying “Blind Spots” to name a few, it’s the qualities, values, and integrity that I strive for most that are exactly what I most admire about Jacob.
Jacob is one of the most authentic, curious, and non-judgmental people that I’ve ever met. He has an enormous heart, deep courage, playfulness, and even when things get ‘edgy’ you can feel the immense love he has for each and every person he works with as well as a gift of fostering an environment with others where everyone feels greatly loved, supported, appreciated, and safe to be themselves. What I get from this is indescribable.
I am truly grateful that I stumbled across him back in early 2017. He has inspired the path I’m on now. For me, he’s an amazing role model and example of a human being and man, living and demonstrating how anyone can live and be authentic, vulnerable, honest, bold, transparent, generous, and loving, while still being a human being!“

Kelli Jackson, Government Accountant and Founder at Women's Adventure ACT, Dickson, Australia
“I just reviewed the year that was for me in 2018. It was THE most amazing year of my life. I’m not talking through my arse when I say that NONE of this would have happened without you, Jacob Sokol. If I had not signed up with you, I would still be in my accounting job, plodding at life rather than ripping the crutch out of it!
Here’s just a sample of the things from this year:
1. I rode a fucking unicycle the entire length of Taiwan,
2. I met the woman of my dreams;
3. I left my 18 year long safe accounting job
4. I was interviewed for a podcast
5. I published an article in a women’s adventure magazine
6. I lead a women’s adventure group with 1,400 members
7. I’ve now canyoned, camped in snow, caved, abseiled, climbed Australia’s highest mountain, and am a qualified wilderness first-aid responder
8. Was interviewed on local radio
9. Learnt how to build a website
10. I broke a board with my hand at martial arts.
There are another 43 epic things from this year, and another 51 from last year, and I know that 2019 will be even more amazing. This… this is the stuff you do, Jacob. I finally became the person I always wanted to be because you got me to believe in myself. Saying thank you doesn’t even touch the sides of my gratitude. Xx“

Jenny Wapling, Project Manager at GMHBA Limited, Geelong, Australia
"Thank you for supporting me through what for me was a scary & challenging period of my life as I learnt to listen to my own voice again & understand what I really value in life, work & the people in my life. Working with you enabled me to learn & grow both personally & professionally. Your support, guidance & knowledge was invaluable & helped me to find the courage to face my fears & take the first of many steps towards becoming the best version of me and living an authentic, happy, passionate, and successful life."

Chris Scotto DiVetta, Executive Director of Product Management at GE Healthcare, Wisconsin, US
"I started working with Jacob because I thought I needed to start my own business to be happy. During our work together, Jacob helped me identify my purpose and I came to realize my goal of making a scalable impact in my industry could be achieved from the company I was already in.
We started to identify ways I could show up as the best me in my role as General Manager - We focused on how to empower others to do their best work.
Jacob taught me influencing techniques that I found applicable in many situations in business. On one occasion, I used one of these techniques during a business negotiation that had stalled. The result - a $15MM savings for my business in Q4 alone.
You often hear that business isn’t personal, Jacob helps you understand that, in fact, it is deeply personal."

Martyn Shires, IT Leader, Leeds, England
“Before Jacob, I had recently been made redundant from my job of 16 years and after throwing all my energy into work I was searching for what to do next and questioning my identity. Did I really know myself or was I being framed by how and where I worked. How could I be the most effective version of myself if I didn’t understand who that was?
After this experience, I would say it is totally worth it. I now have a better understanding of myself although it’s an ongoing process, but I have the tools to be able to continue the journey and not be as afraid of change or what I might find out about myself. The fear will always be there. You just get better at dealing with it and understanding where it is coming from. I also now have a daily meditation practice (something I don’t think I would have said before the program) and more confidence to challenge myself and try new approaches.
You certainly don’t sit on the sidelines and watch, it is not a spectator sport, but like most things you get out what you put in and if you are willing to play full out and allow yourself to be guided by Jacob, in my opinion you will come out the other side stronger for it.”

Nathan Hanson, Composer, Artistic Director, Saxophonist, Minnesota, US
“Before I signed up, I spent a lot of time feeling like I wasn’t going anywhere. Sort of like a hamster wheel. I “knew” lots of things that I could or should do to get on track but I was terrible at following through on those actions.
The thing that got my attention when I first heard about working with Jacob was that it seemed to be geared to going deep, rather than being a list of life-hacks to supercharge my life with one weird trick. It seemed authentic and real in a way that I could recognize it as truth.
Jacob has been a tremendous help for me in getting in touch with the truth of my feelings, and the limitation of some of the stories I tell myself (especially the ones that are on endless loop). Jacob has helped me feel more vital and in-touch with my purpose than I’ve felt in a long time. I’m so glad that I took the leap and enrolled. I have a renewed sense of vigor, purpose and playfulness.”

Susanne Walter , Turkey
“I still remember the doubts and thoughts in my head in 2014, trying to decide whether to work with Jacob or not. Looking back, it’s been without doubt one of the best decisions of my life. Working with Jacob is like signing up for a mental gym. It has trained me to be crazy strong on the inside, in a way that I know that I can handle whatever comes along.
But also, I love how speaking to Jacob has made me so much more conscious, on a day to day basis, to analyze and observe my own (limiting) beliefs, and my own behaviors. I love that about Jacob, and I’m forever grateful to have found that magic man!”

Anna Wickholm , Sweden
“Working with Jacob Sokol leaves you nowhere to hide and I love that. He has known when to call me out on my bullshit, challenge me and when to extend love and support. Even though I’ve worked towards hard goals through these two years as well, it is the soft ones that have been my biggest wins. Solidifying my self love, reconnecting to my own ability to be OK no matter what, going for the things I really really want, often way outside my comfort zone.
On top of that, deepening my relationship with my partner and finally achieving our long term goal of buying a house in the countryside together. I feel alive and excited to keep on experimenting my way forward. Thank you Jacob for helping me unleash.”

Lauren Garceau, Colorado, US
“During my coaching program with Jacob Sokol I was given many opportunities to self-reflect and challenge myself in new ways. Through those experiences, I grew into more of my authentic self and developed more confidence in myself and my abilities. I left with a solid road map to navigate through life’s challenges (The Five Pillars as Jacob calls them).
I appreciate Jacob’s unique coaching style and his authenticity. He shares his own vulnerabilities and experiences without shame, allowing others to feel safe to do the same. He is a multi-faceted individual and coach, who speaks from his heart and is educated in many modalities- scientific and spiritual. It is clear to me that Jacob has done a lot of work on his own self-development and is grounded in compassion and empathy with a sincere desire to help others transform their own lives.
I am so grateful that I made the decision to dive in and committed to doing his program, even though I had some reservations initially. I trust Jacob to help guide anyone towards their own light and truth.”

Sabrina Tönsing, Germany
“Before signing up to work with Jacob Sokol, I was struggling in terms of which direction to take in life. I felt trapped with respect to my career path. Instead of seeing what’s possible – what the world could hold for me – I was facing big mountains covering my way. Mountains which were seemingly hard to overcome. In that moment, I first heard about Jacob. I said to myself, “Ok – just try it out”. This was the first time, I felt a boost of energy. I was awake.
Jacob’s coaching was a wonderful mixture of facing your limits and diving into self-acceptance. It makes your heart pound and, at the same time, you feel the ease of life. Jacob creates a wonderful atmosphere of trust, love and openness.
I feel now a lot more connected to myself. I realized that these mountains ahead of me are actually fun to climb and it is exciting to discover what may lay behind them.”

Bryan McDaniel, Ohio, US
“After a pretty bad breakup I was struggling, lost, unfulfilled with my job, and was searching for a higher purpose in this life.
I was highly skeptical because I had never been in a program of the sorts but in the end I felt like I had nothing to lose and the risk of staying complacent was much greater. I’m thankful for enrolling with Jacob. His coaching opened my mind to ideas and concepts I have never heard of or experienced before. It taught me how to love myself first, how to examine my past value/belief system, and rewire the values/beliefs that were holding me back. I have increased my self-confidence and care less of what people think of me.
The program certainly didn’t solve all my problems and I still have work to do but I have no doubt it helped put me on a path to lead a more fulfilled life.”

Kara Gilbert, Minnesota, US
“When I first heard about Jacob, I had just cancelled my wedding and was feeling pretty lost. All of a sudden, I had a ton of free time, since I wasn’t planning any more, and no real goal to move forward in my life. The wedding/relationship was my goal. Without that, well, now what?
Then this guy Jacob shows up in my inbox offering his coaching. I was intrigued. The timing for me, the passion and belief Jacob has in his message, I thought, maybe this is my next step. So I set up a chat with Jacob and took the leap.
What happened next? A better direction for my life. I didn’t become a millionaire, nor did I sell all my belongings to travel to enlightening places. I did reconnect with myself and changed the way I looked at my own life. Now, when I’m afraid or uncomfortable, I use that fear to forge ahead, because if I’m afraid, then it must mean something important is happening. The magic really does happen outside your comfort zone. I found the absolute importance of honoring the things that nourish my soul, like music, painting, and laughing. I’ve started asking for what I need and want, because the worst answer I’ll get is “no”, and at best I get what I want.
Most importantly, I see my life as an opportunity to make it what I want. At the moment, I am going through a HUGE life transition, and while it’s painful leaving things behind, I am embracing the big scary change. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m asking myself what I want to create next? What do I want to do with this new opportunity? I am not a victim of my circumstances. I am the artist and my life is my canvas. Using what I learned with Jacob, I’m going to make it beautiful.”

Maria Zachariadou, London, England
“Looking back, Jacob entered my life at the right moment. I was troubled with my future and wasn’t sure how to proceed. Things were heavy and, mentally and physically, I felt tired. Jacob challenged me to change my focus and attitude towards myself in an effortless, fun and engaging way.
Playing around with a serious subject called life!, the weights of my shoulders were lifted one by one with the guidance of the most inspiring coach Jacob Sokol. I am now lucky enough to feel the change within myself and finding my happiness in the things that do matter in my life.“

Mindy Fulner, Kentucky, US
“I feel so fortunate to have participated in Jacob Sokol’s coaching program. A teacher like Jacob doesn’t come around every day, and working with him was life-changing for me. I know people say that about all sorts of things, but it’s definitely true here. My ordinary, small world, blossomed. Jacob’s style can be lovingly subtle or wildly dynamic and he creates such a loving and safe space that I was able to be more courageous than I ever thought possible. Jacob’s program gave me lightness of heart, the ability to love more deeply and feel more joyful, the ability to love and forgive myself and allow myself to be vulnerable.
I began to love more, stress less, connect more deeply with friends. People in my life noticed and remarked on my new found joy. I started seeking out, instead of avoiding, social situations. I learned to rock some habits that just make my life better. I learned I have a little bit of a badass in me.
I don’t think it’s possible to express the depth of my gratitude to Jacob. I will continue to learn from him, and can only imagine what might be possible for me as I continue to grow. He is really something special. If you have a chance to go through a program with him, you should absolutely take it.”

Paula Bailey, Melbourne, Australia
“No words can ever be enough to thank Jacob Sokol for the work he does. Today is a monumental and epic day for me. Today, I officially announced to the world (and the large corporation that employs me) that I am leaving my job behind and taking the next step on my life journey.
My desire to live a life of meaning and purpose and find the things that are important to me has always been there. Having the opportunity to work with Jacob just helped release the fear.
I feel truly blessed to have found Jacob and worked with him. If you’re blessed to have found him and to be reading this but you are questioning whether to work with him, don’t question, act! Invest in yourself and watch your world transform and your wings spread. It feels amazing! Like me, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this all sooner. Wishing you great happiness.”

Iris Barzen, Germany
“Having Jacob Sokol by my side was the catalyst I needed to start rocking my life. I have never gained as much clarity as in those calls with Jacob. He always asked the right questions to get you to dig deep enough to be able to move forward.
Before I started the coaching, I was pretty skeptical about the idea of having a purpose. It seemed like a weird holy grail thing that is nice to have, but not really actionable. Jacob’s coaching helped me realize why the heck we need a purpose and guided me on my way to finding my own. And let me tell you, being on the path to purpose will change your life!
I can’t express how grateful I am for his guidance. I wouldn’t have been able to do it all on my own.”

Theresa Campbell, Florida, US
“I began my journey because I was curious about becoming a life-coach myself. I decided that I could not coach others having never worked with a life-coach before. Little did I know I was in for more than just a few tips that I could later use to help others.
Working with Jacob, I went through a complete personal transformation! Jacob helped me to get clarity surrounding my values and since then, my personal values have unfailingly guided me to an inexplicable amount of success and happiness in my life.
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work with someone who truly cares, listens deeply to understand, lives by example, and asks the right questions so that you can discover your truth. If you’re on the fence about making the investment, all I can say is just do it. Like me, I’m sure you’ll be gifted more than you expected.”

Rachel P, Australia
“The day I found your website I was so desperate for help and then I found you! You helped me organise my thoughts so I could walk a more inspired path, you truly are an amazing man and I want you to know. You have had such an impact on my life, really, I don’t know if I can even express how grateful I am because it goes beyond words.”

Krystal Brandt, California, US
“Jacob you don’t even KNOWWWWWWW the continued impact of your work on my life to this day. I’m forever grateful for your inspired push and guidance to “Make love to uncertainty” by getting my booty to Bali in 2014 because it continues to pay in dividends in this juicy, soul-aligned life I lead now. You were my guide when my soul came online and now I get to be that to female leaders around the globe. ♥️ Deep, deep bow of gratitude, brother.”

Megan Snedden, California, US
“You’re a baller Jacob! I’m so so thankful for the ways you’ve impacted my life near and far and for the changemakers you’ve introduced me to who became some of my closest friends.❤️”
Shout outs for Jacob's retreats

Anita Hisir, Vancouver, Canada
“I feel so much more grounded and connected to myself. I now have a direction of where I want to take my life and feel confident in making it happen with this awesome group to support me through my own journey to success. Things seem to click more easily now and I have that sense of clarity I’ve been searching for. It’s been a great experience and I would definitely do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

Ruth Stadelmayer, Ontario, Canada
“The whole retreat has been a life-changing process…right from connecting with Jacob on the first 2 calls, to building our online community with the other participants, to the beautiful, inspiring, enlightening time together, followed with life-long soul connections to take with me on this next leg of my journey!
I found sides of me I never knew I could be, was lovingly and wholeheartedly challenged by all those around me, felt supported more fully than I thought was possible, and found the courage, faith, love and patience that I need to catapult me to those daring heights I’ve only dreamed of.
I felt more myself in that week than I have felt in a long time. Cherished memories, soul friendships and so much more! Possible for all those ready to go deep! ;)”

Guy Rose, Japan
“Community is such a powerful thing, which is something I was reminded of. I definitely have a boost of inspiration and motivation and am looking forward to what the future holds for me as well as the group.”

Marisa Hallsted, California, US
“Transformational experience! I was in a dark, scared place before going and the love, support and heart pounding challenges of being at the retreat have brought light, vision and trust. It was a heart expanding experience and I am forever grateful to have been there.”

Alexandra Wenzl, Austria
“I’ve learned to let go of wanting to control things that simply suck my energy and focus on the things that give me energy. Over the past few days I’ve been revisiting the concept of the emotional ladder quite frequently – checking in where I am at this moment. I haven’t made those BIG changes externally, more so I am working on the big changes internally. Even though I do have emotional break downs, I easily get out by revisiting some of the exercises that we did together (especially the one on fear!).”

Elizabeth Roberts, Texas, US
“Jacob Sokol’s Sensophy retreat was a powerfully life-impacting experience. So many insights were possible because Jacob was masterful at making sure the community felt safe, open and connected. I was able to finally uncover and release some deep fears that have been in my way to living a full life. The best, most fun, incredible experience of my life!”

Harald Klockenhoff, Germany
“Being connected to a community of soul sisters and bros around the world is an incredible change. The coaching I got provided clarity, insights and decisions that will impact my future actions. Getting into meditation already before the retreat and getting to appreciate yoga will hopefully also have a lasting effect.”

Melissa Velasquez, New Jersey, US
“I feel so different since the retreat. A few of my coworkers have even mentioned I have a different flow (in a good way). But I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing or acting that was making me feel so different. Then it hit me. Clock Time Vs. Psychological time.
Throughout the retreat I was so present I was really enjoying being there and then. I don’t think my mind drifted off, and if it did it was very rarely. Coming back home it hasn’t either. I was talking to my mom and I was focused on her and what she was asking of me. While at work I was concentrated and enjoying myself there. I was less in my head, less in psychological time. Which not up until NOW did I realize how much time I spent up there in own thoughts of what was, is, or could be. And of course the influence that environment and relationships can have on a person are incredible and freaking so TRUE.
The community we built lifted me to be at my highest and give 100%. It was awesome being able to have people that were aligned with the same values that I hold so high, and now have them part of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Natalie Nicosia, Arizona, US
“The Sensophy retreat impacted my life in ways I could not have imagined!! I got uncomfortable, I was challenged, I was cared for in a supportive, empowered environment of like-minded peeps. Away from the day-to-day routine, I was able to see myself more clearly and shift some of my beliefs to more positive empowered ones!
Jacob Sokol has an incredible gift to serve others with compassion and love and he asks the best questions!! I highly recommend this amazing retreat as a gift to yourself!”

Cara Hollenbeck, Hawaii, US
“Friendships that run deeper than I could ever have guessed, and that I know I will have forever. Total restoration of my body, mind and soul, I came home feeling like a brand new person. Complete surrender and being taken care of for a change, it felt like the weight of the world was taken off my shoulders.
Learning so much about myself, and healing so much, and evolving. The power of getting to be my Fully Expressed, 100% Authentic self for 9 days!!!!!!! That was fucking huge.”

Marybeth McMenemon, California, US
“Walking into this retreat I was feeling depleted and unhappy – feelings that had been lingering for a long time. I spent a lot of time/energy thinking these feelings were in relation to outside forces: my job was stressful, my apartment always needed to be cleaned, people were asking a lot of me, etc.
I left Bali realizing, yes – these outside forces did have an impact, but the underlying issue was me not living in alignment with what I value. It was an ‘oh shit’ moment for sure.
I spent a long time doing what I felt I should do for other people vs. measuring its impact on me AND its alignment with my personal values. The time in Bali helped me to strengthen my foundation in myself, perk my ears up a bit to what my body is telling me and overall – start to create a fucking awesome life.”

Miles Cottrell, Montana, US
“It really allowed me the opportunity to fully express a part of myself that I was inhibiting. It showed me that there is more to life outside of the world I had been living in. Even if I was already aware of that intellectually, actually EXPERIENCING something like that will change someone forever. It became more real.
Environment and community really is what facilitates lasting change. I now have friends all over the world… A community I can count on… Friends for life…. People that inspire me and support me… People I can then inspire and support. A circle of support. It’s a beautiful thing.”

Saralicia Wong, Mexico
“My life before the retreat was very plain and after this I just can’t go back to that same plain-ness; it’s just not the way I want my life to be anymore and it is very hard to process and fill spaces with fulfilment in every way possible. It just opened up all possibilities of every single thing I can think of.
The retreat is a milestone for me. This was very fulfilling and I just never thought that I could do something like this, for me it was a huge step of self courage and really finding my own support, voice, strength and of course beautiful souls that I get to call my more than family #soultribe.
My soul tribe give me a feeling of belonging, of gratefulness, of appreciation (it’s just indescribable) that I didn’t know it even existed in such a proportion! It is just IMMENSE that every time I think about it tears come to my eyes.”

Mairead Murphy, New York, US
“The decision to invest in the retreat was monumental. At first it seemed crazy and irresponsible since I had to charge it (something I normally don’t do). But slowly I began to see it as an opportunity to begin to create a happier life for myself.
The challenges, homework and connections leading up to the actual retreat were extremely helpful in slowly shifting perceptions, creating new friendships and growing the excitement to get to the retreat, meet everyone and dive into the work more fully.”

Oscar Chimenti, Toronto, Canada
“The retreat was an eye opener for me and brought to light how to live according to your values. Although I had already assessed my values and fundamentals prior to the retreat, it was a refresher and brought more clarity to my purpose.
The Sensophy team was very supportive and the workshops and excursions were so well aligned with each other and brought to light some life changing moments. I will never forget dragging my ass up that mountain at 2 am in the dark or dancing my fucking ass off and just releasing and letting go. Thank you Sensophy, you are Rockstars!”

Jackie Rosenlund, Massachusetts, US
“I appreciated the safe space we created. I was so glad that we all had a chance to bond before the trip – it made coming together so much more exciting. I loved the group discussions and how the floor was always open for people to say what they felt called to.
I am confident that I have the tools to build an incredible foundation for myself. And I know what personal stuff I have to work on – what blocks I have to clear – in order to continue on my path. It’s hard to put it into words; I will forever be grateful for this experience.“

Brooke Marsal, California, US
“It gave me access to the most inspiring and supportive community I have ever known.”

Katie Sing, Australia
“It made me feel that I am loved and supported and in doing so has given me greater capacity to love and support others.
I have never felt so deeply excited in all my life and I still feel the energy from being on the retreat. The group of people that have been put together are what makes this so extraordinary for me,
I feel like the luckiest person on Earth to be living this experience and sharing this journey with such amazing, loving people. Thank you for being so open and passionate about what you do and inviting us all to share in this as we follow our bliss.”

Noura Ismaeil, Colorado, US
“The retreat has permanently impacted my head, my heart, my physical being. I was challenged on all levels and it offered an opportunity to just stop and spend 9 days focusing on nothing but myself and my LIFE!!!!
I only have one life and Sensophy helped show me how to get back on track, find what is most important to me and commit to never sacrificing my values or settling for less.
Bliss and the nature of true happiness is something I will continue to honor and use as a compass. I feel as though I am truly on a journey toward self-discovery and I feel confident that Sensophy has given me the tools to maintain my course. Really what it comes down to, is that Sensophy has shown me that as humans we have all of the answers inside of us. Everything, the tools the drive, the inspiration….it’s all there waiting to be unlocked and set into motion.”

Dean Larsen, Australia
“Sensophy and Jacob’s work and support enabled me the courage to quit my unhealthy lifestyle that I was living.
It enabled me a place to express myself authentically and simply just be myself (which I haven’t been able to do for 10 years), which is difficult when you put yourself around people and a society that doesn’t support this.
The community that was created by Jacob and his team provided me with life-long friends that I am looking forward to collaborating with in the future on some big ideas. I truly think I have met people that accept me for who I am and are genuinely supportive of my growth.”

Dave Grosse, Missouri, US
“The retreat opened my eyes to the very real possibility of living a life I wasn’t sure I could experience. It reminded me of who I could be, of who I want to be. I’ve made friends, no I’ve gained brothers and sisters from this experience. Honestly. People I would do anything for. And it reminded me that I am worth every penny I invest in myself.”

Rachel Cox, Washington, US
“This experience truly educated me on the power of vulnerability and trust. I can be vulnerable and strong. I never expected to have this unwavering connection to a group of people.
These souls have become family and will always be in my heart. I cannot thank them enough for changing my outlook on life, love and the world. Whatever they need I will be there for them and I know they are there for me.
Oh man, anything is possible if you are willing to break out of your comfort zone and take action. One life to live baby!:)”

Helen Evans, Australia
“It softened me from trying to do things in a certain way. I have become more in touch with what lights me up.)”

Marietta Cohen, Israel
"The retreat was life altering. I will never be the same. I never thought I could achieve so much in so little time, but surrounded by our loving and supportive community, anything was and is possible for me now."

Christina Ioannou, New Jersey, US
“The retreat has opened my eyes to how much the world has to offer. I didn’t think an experience like this was available or even an option “for someone like me.” – that is a broke kid from Jersey, former junkie, blah blah blah. I realize that we don’t have to be defined by our past.
This is the first time in a very long time that I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by individuals who view me as a whole person.
I was always labeled as a kid- by my family, by the juvenile residential rehabs I lived in when I was a kid, and by AA. I realized how much shame I had surrounding who I am as a person. The crazy thing is that the voice of shame was not even my own. I know that I left that shame at the retreat. I know I have found my family and my tribe. Family and community mean a lot to me especially because of my experiences of being adopted.
And seriously Jacob, I am crying now just typing this- I was in a really shitty spot March of 2014 when I discovered you guys and your site. A really fucking low, dark, spot. I’m grateful to have gotten to meet all of you and to be able to witness your journeys that honestly fucking inspire me and give me hope. So Thank you. God. I just want to get out there fucking create now. Lol.”

Reno Winston, Manitoba, Canada
“The retreat opened me up to a world of possibility. I truly lived dreams I didn’t even know I had. I found my people, I found my place, I found love, and I found me. You wanna drown in every moment and every emotion, because it’s just so good. Love and possibility are my biggest take-aways. My life will never be the same. I will never be the same. There is no going back.”

Caroline Leon, England
“The retreat has helped me to step up to the next level in my life. Because of it, I feel empowered to lead and support others in ways I could only imagine before. What I am creating in my business as a result of this retreat, wakes me up feeling excited every day!”

Jan Broders, Germany
"It changed my reality from maybe wanting to coach to becoming a coach who enrolls clients at 2k and is in the process of planning a retreat. All within three months which is mind blowing! I gained so much confidence in myself and reflected on how I show up in groups. I value groups more than I used to and I enjoy that feeling!"

Sergi Llorente, Barcelona, Spain
“After jumping from mission to mission in my life and feeling lost, it made me believe I’ve got a purpose again, what all my missions share. I wanna heal people. The retreat helped me connect with my self to find this within me, helped me see I can do it, and gave me the power of community to help reminding myself everyday that this is my truth and this is who I must become, no matter who I disappoint in the way.”
Thank you to everyone who has rocked with me at any point in their growth journey! Back in 2010 I set out to find my purpose, create an extraordinary life, and do the most meaningful work possible. Looking at these shout outs here moves me to tears and would blow that 2010 version of me’s mind. 🙏