FROM THE NEWSLETTER: En Route from San Diego To La La Land. Monday February 6th 2012. 1:35PM. Listening to Elmatic.


yoyo! 🙂




I’m in the back of the bus, my backpack companioning me seat-side, on the move migrating myself from SD to LA. Hollywood here I come! 🙂


And to what do we owe the pleasure of this electronic interaction? I’m honoring and embodying one of my top values: relationships.


I just came from an early morning tea talk with a dude named Marc ( Me and my green-tea cup, him and his green tee-shirt plus terminator shades.


I had emailed Marc upwards of 4 times to talk yet never heard back from him. WTF? Nobody likes no response. But after a kind karate kick-in the ass during a luncheon with Pat Flynn (, I slid Marc another message when I arrived in San Diego 3 weeks ago.


To my delight, yesterday I learned I was writing to a seldomly checked email account. That was good news number one. Good news number two was that Mark synchronisticly lives in San Diego. Two sweet surprises and a phone call from Marc later, we set up tea for 10AM, as my bus to LA left at 1:15PM.


Why are Marc and Pat significant in this story? Marc hosts the site which the article I wrote on 12 Things Happy People Do Differently went viral. Pat hosts the site which helped me start Sensophy, one of the most successful blogs about blogging, bringing in $30-40K per month. Pat’s advice was clear: take what’s working *really* well and run with it.


Well, during some tea-time I had with Caleb (, as well as on another occasion Molly (, I started to sprout an idea.


I haven’t spoken too much about this yet, but I’m currently working a few hours each week for the en*theos Academy for Optimal Living. The Academy offers great priced classes on all the important stuff we weren’t taught during basic schooling: non-incentivized nutritional advice, positive psychology, leadership and self-help, spirituality guidance, conscious loving, and much more.


I’m currently TA-ing (teacher’s assistant) a class with Columbia University motivation psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson called Making It Happen, based on her book Succeed. It’s my highest, *HIGHEST*, recommendation you join in on the course to grab access to past recordings and future classes!


Anyway, being around all these telephonic classes planted a seed in my mind. And here’s where everything you read up until now all intertwines.


Today, I talked with Marc about taking the 12 Things Happy People Do Differently and turning it into a 12 week course. This is what I’m imagining: Each week we talk about a different happiness habit, discuss some theory, explore practical ways to apply it to our lives, and have some happiness homework.


For instance, as we spoke about in our last email, #7 is learning to forgive. It’s great to know that intellectually but how the hell do we actually practice it? How do we create habits in our life that enable us to take action and feel the force of this wisdom? That’s where the HW would come in.


I’m also really excited about the idea of doing Q&A so we can speak directly. Plus I’d love to invite a different specialist to join us each week on that week’s topic. You could be a part of the live class or download the recordings in mp3 format so you can listen to them on the go.


Okay. It’s 2:20PM and my laptop battery is threatening to go on strike. It’s true, I do overwork it and I’m not willing to call it’s bluff. But before I go, what do you think about this class, would you sign up?


The calls would be either 60 or 90 minutes, once per week, and the price would be super affordable, maybe $120 for all 12 weeks. Whatever price we decide, if cash is tight for you, I’m more than happy to give you a free or discounted scholarship.


Okay. That’s all from me right now. My backpack wants to cuddle for the remainder of this ride.


One last thing, some people said the link I sent last week to 12 Things Happy People Do Differently didn’t work for them. If that’s the case for you, this should do the trick:


Hope you enjoy – let me know if you’re interested in the class – and later this week I’m gonna send you another sweet report about finding and living your purpose.


Talk soon Info!, Hollywood awaits! 🙂


On Purpose,

