Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #13

After a short break, we’re back, baby! And with one main talking point for this week’s call: Intentions.

What’s important to us? What do we want to move toward in our lives? Who do we want to become?

Even if life might be stellar overall, there are usually still parts of it that we feel we could embrace and improve.

One of the most powerful ways for us to change is to set the intention of who we want to become, and then immerse ourselves in a group of people who already see us as being that intention.

On the call, we did exactly that by sharing our intentions in small groups. Once one of us had shared, the others in the group each came up with a word that encapsulated what we had just said and who we have the potential to be.

It was powerful stuff, and it was amazing to hear people come up with words for each other that really resonated. We can’t wait to see everyone stepping into their intentions in the weeks to come!

With support from a community that sees who we can be, we can become our intentions.

HW + Action Steps!

If you weren’t able to be live on the call, no sweat. Check out the recording and see if you can come up with an intention for yourself. Maybe get some loved ones to support you with the group exercise, or reach out to the awesome peeps in the Inner Circle.

Then, if you haven’t already done so, go ahead and share your intention for who you want to be in our private Facebook group :o)