Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #17

Talking Point #1: From theory to practice

We love these calls. So much. Connecting authentically and sharing where we’re at are what we live for. But these calls need to extend further than just Tuesday nights. How can we implement the things we’re discussing to actually improve our lives?

On the call this week, we discussed some tools we can use to put all this wisdom into action. When we’re having a rough moment, what can we do to gain perspective and bring ourselves back to a place of feeling like we got this? Whether it’s a minute or two of deep breathing, some simple yoga stretches, or a full-out dance party (à la Sean Stephenson), we’d love to know what works for you to give you a sense of being calm and collected when things are feeling crazy…

Talking Point #2: Authentic self-expression

It’s awesome that so many of us are figuring out what we want to do with our lives and taking steps to make stuff happen, and working online can be a big part of that process. Often, we’ll get started by setting up a blog and sharing our journeys online. But blogging for business isn’t meant to be about us; it’s about service (even though blogging admittedly starts out being about *us* at first). We don’t always understand how to make it more about other people than about ourselves. So how do we share our personal experiences while still being helpful to others? It all depends on *why* we’re doing what we’re doing. There’s sense in sharing real-life experiences if we’re doing it to help people relate. If we’ve got wisdom to share, a first-hand story can be a super effective way of doing that.

We can take our real, human experiences and, as long as we know *why* we’re doing so, share them with others to provide reassurance and support. But before we hit ‘Publish,’ we need to know, are we looking for attention, or are we looking to make genuine connections and to be of service?

Talking Point #3: Who’s that critic in your head?

We all have a voice in our heads. And it doesn’t mean we’re crazy. The voice we’re referring to here is all about resistance. It wants to protect us, to keep us safe, even to keep us stuck. If we’re not moving forward, we’re not gonna get hurt. But if we listen to that voice, how can we become who we’re supposed to be?

One way we love to deal with that voice is to give it its own persona. Who is it? What does it look like? What is its name? Give it the most obnoxious name you can come up with and whenever it speaks up to tell you not to publish that blog post, not to wear that outfit, not to speak to that person you like… address it personally and let it know what you think.

“Oh, hey Calvin. Thanks for the input, but I won’t be needing your help today. I got this.”

HW + Action Steps!

We’d love to know what your biggest takeaway was from this week’s call. Hop on over to the private Facebook group and let us know!