Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #19

This week’s call was a much more intimate one and we had only one real talking point.

Psychology traditionally focuses on what’s *wrong.* It assumes that we’re in a place where we’re broken, and it centers on *why* the breakages might have happened. But what if we came at things from a place of wanting to be better? What if we changed our mindset from that of being broken to that of self-improvement? Positive psychology is a fairly recent branch of psychology that focuses on exactly this; it’s all about “making normal life more fulfilling.”

With that in mind, we wanted to talk about how we might make *our* lives more fulfilling. So we asked two questions:

  1. If you could *do* anything in the world and not fail or be judged for it, what would you do?
  2. If you could *be* whatever you wanted, what would you be? (We’re talking about “being” as a verb or an adjective. A state of being.)
  3. If you could *have* anything at all, what would you have?

HW + Action Steps!

Take some time to really think about those questions and what your answers might be. What’s your ideal vision for yourself? And don’t be afraid to think big!

Grab a sheet of paper and fill it with your vision. Who are you? What are you doing? What do you have? Even if what you want seems impossible, write it down. Make it real. Date your vision, and then put it up somewhere where you’re gonna (blatantly or just subconsciously) see it every day.

And if you wanna chat about your vision, you can always do so in the Facebook group! We love to dive deep into this stuff with you over there :o)