Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #2

Wow! Yesterday was our second chat for Sensophy’s Inner Circle, and you guys did not disappoint. We’re loving your commitment and enthusiasm! So awesome.

If you couldn’t make the call live, you should have the MP3 recording so you can listen back in your own time.

Here are some of our favorite discussion topics from yesterday’s call :o)

Talking Point #1: If we show up at our best, we’re more likely to get the best

Kinda hate to break it to you, but total bliss doesn’t exist. There’s never gonna be a day when everything’s finally fallen into place and we’ve got our stuff together. We’ll have ups, but we’re also gonna have downs; it’s the way of the world. And that’s OK. But if we show up at our best, we’re more likely to get the best.

Awesome, right?

What does showing up at our best mean? It means remembering that we’re our own greatest assets, so we need to treat ourselves that way. It means staying consistent on our fundamentals (which we touched upon during Enough BS). It means scheduling time to recharge, rejuvenate and look after *us*.

Peep This Too

Again, our friend Tony Schwartz’s WTF interview is super relevant to this topic: Time Management Is BS

Talking Point #2: It’s not a big deal

A lot of things might freak us out, but honestly? Very few situations are actually life or death.

It *is* normal to be anxious. Remember what Tal Ben Shahar said about people who don’t experience negative emotions? (They’re either psychopaths or dead, in case you were wondering.) :o) But as part of life’s bigger picture, is what we’re worrying about actually a huge deal? Probably not.

WTF interviewee Chip Conley has this equation for us:

anxiety = what we don’t know x what we can’t control

This is good news ’cause it gives us something to work on; with practice, we can shift our focus to what we *do* know and what we *can* control.

How do we know the difference? First we can think about what causes us to be anxious and write it all down. Once it’s on paper, it’s out of our heads. And when we see our anxieties in black and white, we’ll learn to recognize them when our minds start to stray their way. That self-awareness allows us to catch ourselves in the anxiety act and give those thoughts less power. We can get some perspective and ask a more empowering question, like “How can I best deal with this situation?”

Talking Point #3: Getting clear on what’s important

We talk a lot about finding our values, and it can seem like a massive thing, but it doesn’t have to be some esoteric exercise. Our values are already inside us; we just need to become conscious of them and start using them as our compasses.

Basically, we already know what’s important (although it might take a little time to get really clear on this – check out the HW below for some exercises to help you!). Each of us has a different set of values, and it isn’t necessarily important to be able to explain them to anyone else. What matters is that *we* recognize them, and we use them to guide the decisions we make in our lives.

Peep This Too

Finding and living our values is a big part of the hero’s journey. To dive deeper into what that’s about, check out Finding Joe, a movie all about the pursuit of an extraordinary life.

HW + Action Steps!

Think about these questions to help you figure out what your values are.

  • What were the 5 times in your life when you felt most alive? Why?
  • What were the 5 times in your life when you felt most fulfilled? Why?
  • What were the 5 times in your life when you felt mosthappy? Why?
  • Think about the people you admire. What are the 5 qualities that make you admire them?
  • What 3 things would you do if you weren’t afraid and couldn’t fail?
  • What are 5 things in life that are *super* important to you?

* Optional (but suggested) HW * Check out Section Three of Living On Purpose, which is all about finding your values.

If you wanna chat about the call on Twitter, use the hashtag #Sensophy.