Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #20

Talking Point #1: Saying “screw it” to external validation

“What will they think of me…?”

It’s a question that’s on the tip of all of our tongues from time to time (sometimes more often than others). Intuitively, we know it shouldn’t matter what other people think of us, no matter who they are, but that doesn’t quieten the nagging voice at the back of our head…

We love this tip from Jason (thanks, dude!): When someone gives an unsolicited opinion, imagine that they prefaced it with, “I’m a stranger and I’m gonna give you some advice.” Doesn’t really make sense to pay too much attention to them now, does it?

What can also be helpful is to make the distinction between pleasing and serving. When we speak and act, are what we’re saying and doing coming from our gut, a place of truth and deep appreciation? When we’re serving authentically rather than attempting to please disingenuously, what other people think of us starts to become irrelevant…

Talking Point #2: Feelings follow actions

We know that our fundamentals are exactly that – fundamental. But it can be easier said than done to get up in the morning and head straight out for a run or sit in silence for 20 minutes.

“I’m tired.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“It’s cold outside.”

Do it anyway.

We might not feel like rocking our fundamentals in the moment, but we know that we’ll feel better once we hush the doubting voice and do what needs to be done. Because we’re in a place now where we know how we’ll feel when we *don’t* pay attention to our fundamentals, and we’d rather be at a point where we can deal better with whatever comes our way. That’s what our fundamentals do; they’re our foundation for staying in control and maintaining perspective, no matter what we might be facing.

Talking Point #3: Balance is a verb

Balance isn’t a place that we’re gonna arrive at, where all our stars are in alignment and we’re skillfully juggling all the plates. Balance is something that we need to *do* on a daily basis. It goes hand-in-hand with rocking our fundamentals; it’s about knowing what works for us and what doesn’t, and then making a choice in the moment based on that knowledge. We’re not always gonna do things that’ll maintain the balance, but there’s little point in beating ourselves up. We can always make up for the slip-ups further down the line and get ourselves back on track.

HW + Action Steps!

We’d love to know what your biggest takeaway was from this week’s call. Let us know in the Facebook group! :o)