Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #32

Big Idea #1: Forward into Growth vs. Back into Safety

On a moment-to-moment basis, we always have the choice to step forward into growth or back into safety. Imagine a scale where you start your day at zero. Each choice you make throughout the day brings you either one step forward, or one step back. At the end of the day, where are you on that scale, and how do you feel as a result?

Happiness and success aren’t about what we read or how we study, but about the choices we make in every moment. No amount of research or preparation can ready us to leap into action if we’re on the negative end of that growth scale. Where we are in life is a reflection of our consciousness at that moment.

Ask yourself:

“Who do I need to become in order to get what I want?”

At that point, you can start developing the habits to help you become that person you need to be.

  • What is the number one thing that, if you started doing on a consistent basis for the next 30 days, would have the biggest positive impact on your life?
  • What’s the number one thing that, if you stopped doing for the next 30 days, would have the biggest positive impact on your life?

Find an accountability partner to make sure you commit to starting or removing this habit that’s going to impact your life positively. Community is an important way to create and maintain positive change in our lives, so take advantage of the awesome community we have here in the Inner Circle and connect with each other to stay accountable.

Big Idea #2: Struggles and Authenticity

When relating with other people, remember that it’s totally okay not to be okay. We can give ourselves permission to be human and embrace our struggles along with our successes, because they make us who we are. We don’t have to have everything figured out, because the struggle is a valuable part of our journey.

We can actually help others by being open about our struggles, because it makes us relatable and authentic. Rather than putting on a front that everything is perfect in our lives, opening up about what’s tough helps other people relate to us and feel comfortable being vulnerable themselves.

People gravitate towards realness. When we’re real with other people, we make them feel like they have permission to be their real selves around us.

Success doesn’t mean that we have everything going perfectly in our lives. It means that we’re honest about where we are, and about doing the inner work to get where we need to be in order to serve others. If we feel a war going on inside of us, we can learn to reframe the struggle and ask, “What can I do to feel lightness today?”

Big Idea #3: Dealing With Resistance In Moving Forward

Many of us have been in a situation where we’re living and working in a job and life that just don’t fit with who we really are. Maybe we’re conforming to society’s expectations, or doing something we’re not passionate about because we need the money. There can be some great resistance in leaving this kind of life behind to embrace our true identity. It can be really hard to move away from an identity that society says is valuable, even if it’s an identity that doesn’t fit with who we really are. We must learn not to rely on society to tell us whether we’re worthy, but instead to find a different metric to see if something is worth doing.

Fast forward to the end of your life. Would you regret not making the choice to do the thing that resonated with you fully? Would you regret missing this chance, just to stay in line with society and stay “safe”?

Yes, it can be scary to move from the safe and the known to the uncertain grounds where our passions may lie. But remember to enjoy the process and embrace the adventure that is uncertainty. The truth is, playfulness is a wealth magnet, while seriousness is a wealth repellant. So as long as you’re having fun in the process of creating your dream, you’ll find it a lot easier to generate abundance in your life.

Figure out how to give your greatest gifts to the world, and watch success, happiness and fulfillment flow abundantly into your life.

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.