Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 39

Big Idea #1: Dealing with Fear and Overwhelm

When we’re working on a project we’re passionate about, or towards a goal that excites us, we develop a lot of steam and momentum towards achieving it. Oftentimes this may mean working towards starting up a business or project for financial gain. But sometimes, life can throw us for a loop and hit us with a situation that can suddenly cause a lot of fear and uncertainty. Maybe you’re hit with some unexpected bills that make you question you and your family’s financial security. How can you continue working towards your passion when your security feels threatened?

When fear, questioning and doubt are playing themselves out in your life, don’t get sucked into a whirlwind of thoughts about them. Instead, ask yourself a few questions:

How do you define success?

What brings you a sense of fulfillment?

Reflecting on these questions can really help you understand more deeply what is is you desire to do in your life, and which action steps will lead you towards a meaningful life.

Maybe you define success as using your talents and skills to bring into the world something that fulfills you. Maybe fulfillment means doing something meaningful to you, helping others or finding your purpose, learning more about why you’re here on this planet.

The fact is that fulfillment comes from service; particularly when we’re doing something meaningful to us in service of other people or groups. Sometimes, that means doing whatever we need to do to support the people closest to us, such as family members in need. So if you find yourself in a place where you must do work that isn’t always intrinsically fulfilling, think about how that work can be of service to those you love. And remain focused on that work you do love, in order to bring that into your life.

Big Idea #2: Desperation Repels

Oftentimes when we start a business, we dream of achieving great success within the first year or two. And sometimes we really need our new business to start generating income quickly. It can be really frustrating to put time, money and effort into a new endeavor and not see financial returns right away. But think about how long it takes a doctor or a lawyer to become successful in their profession. Does it happen overnight? Definitely not! It takes years and years of schooling and major financial investments to reach the top of a career like that. So to think about starting a successful business in a year just isn’t really the way things work.

When you are desperate for success or financial return, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Starting a business with the approach that “this has to work… or else I’m screwed” is extremely unhelpful. If you’re starting a business under the pressure to start making money quickly, then you’ll very likely experience major disappointment. Desperation repels! When we’re in a place of scarcity and need, and acting out of fear and desperation, this actually repels people (and success) away.

This is obviously a major challenge, because when we “need” something, we want to take action to fill that need! It takes a great deal of consciousness and patience to wait to build your business out, and take as much time as it takes to be successful.

So having the attitude that “this needs to work or I’m screwed” will likely end up screwing you over! The most successful journeys are the journey of a lifetime, not instant success overnight. Create a sustainable business by mindfully working towards your goal with patience and allow the growth to unfold in its own time.

Big Idea #3: How to Stop Feeling Stuck and Hopeless

What do you do when you’re stuck in a job that isn’t meaningful, that leaves you feeling hopeless and longing for something more? It doesn’t even mean there’s something wrong with the job itself, you just feel like there’s something way more fulfilling for you out there. And what do you do when you’re “stuck” at this type of job because of financial necessity?

Of course we all want to be working towards our ideal life, doing work we love and find intrinsically fulfilling. But just because we’re not there yet, doesn’t mean we have to spend every day feeling depressed and hopeless. How about a shift of mindset? What if you could see the benefits of working the job you’re at, really understanding how it’s serving people you love, and patiently be working towards what you love? Would you really feel so lost and hopeless if you could see the bigger picture? What if you didn’t see your current state as being “stuck” or “moving backwards?” What if, instead, you took advantage of all the opportunities you could see to move in the direction you want?

Wealth comes as a means of providing service, and service comes as a means of providing a skill. So if you can see a direction you want to be moving, ask yourself which skills you need to develop in order to serve in that area. You will see the wealth come in as a result of providing great service from your skills.

HW + Action Steps!

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