Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 43

Big Idea #1: Living in Alignment With Your Purpose

Most of us want to find a fulfilling career- something that lights us up and makes us excited to get out of bed every day. We want to get paid to do something we love that also makes a difference in the world. It can feel really difficult to escape from jobs that provide financial security, but don’t provide that fulfillment and meaning we crave.

So think about what it is that you want. Really stop and think about what that is and how it feels. What does your purpose feel like?

And ask yourself:

“How do you stop yourself from getting that?”

Then think about somebody you admire. Do you think they knew exactly how their career was going to pan out when they left behind certainty? Someone like Oprah, for example… do you think she knew exactly what she’d be doing years before she got to this point?

How do you think they started living in alignment with their purpose?

The answer is…. They just started living in alignment with their purpose! They didn’t worry about setting up all the precise steps and making sure everything was perfectly planned out. They don’t know exactly how things will work out, but they know enough to take the next baby step. And that baby step is all they needed to take them to the very next place they needed to be. You can do the same by just focusing on the small steps you need to take to follow your purpose. Don’t worry about the long-term vision. Just focus on what’s in front of you and don’t waver from your dream.

Big Idea #2: Growing Through Challenge and Dealing With Reactions

Obviously, it feels great when life’s going smoothly, but this isn’t actually where we grow from. We grow and develop through the challenges we face in our lives.

When obstacles come up in life and things don’t go our way, we can move forward seeing it as part of the hero’s journey. We don’t grow from the fun and easy parts of life, drinking coconuts on the beach… we grow through being challenged and tested. It’s uncomfortable and even hurts sometimes, but try to view these challenges as the greatest chance to grow and reach new heights.

Often, when something doesn’t go right for us, the people close to us start to freak out. This makes us think that we should be freaking out, even if we didn’t originally! It can make it feel really hard to open up to people and share our journey when they react this way. So it’s important to feel into our own journey, and whether we feel comfortable sharing it or not, to stay on our path without being affected by the reactions of others.

Big Idea #3: Speaking our Truth

Sometimes on our journey, we grow to a point that we worry about sharing our experiences with people close to us. We might fear that if we open up to those around us, they might be hurt. We don’t want to alienate them by sharing new things we’re going through or changes we’ve undergone.

We might have this story in our head that says,“When I speak my truth, I hurt the people close to me.”

So how can we speak our truth without hurting or disrespecting others?

If you speak your truth and it challenges someone else’s truth, it requires the other person to question what they’re saying. It provides the opportunity to really dive into what they believe and what we believe and to open everyone’s minds to new possibilities. You’ll only serve others if you live your deepest truth, not hide it away and act in the way you think that others want.

But the most important fact about speaking your truth is that it allows you to step into your purpose.

So if you’re asking yourself whether you should speak your truth, just remind yourself:

When I speak my truth, then I live my purpose.

When you’re living your purpose, you’re functioning at your highest level and as your best self, able to best serve other people.

HW + Action Steps!

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