Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #5

Time for round 5! This week, we spoke about a range of things on the Inner Circle call. Basically, we’re open to whatever you’ve got on your mind :o) Below, we’ve summed up some of our favorite topics of discussion.

If you couldn’t catch the call live, you’ll have the opportunity to listen back to the MP3 recording.

Talking Point #1: We’re on the Master’s Path

And the Masters know that we need to honor our fundamentals if we’re gonna make the big stuff happen.

Think about it: we wouldn’t build a house without first laying the foundations. So how can we go into our day at our best without making sure we’ve got our fundamentals down? Our fundamentals are our foundations, the things we do day in and day out to keep us in integrity with our values.

We’ve talked a lot about values already, and we know that they’re such a core part of who we are that when we’re not honoring them, we feel off. Our fundamentals are there to keep us on track. What’s helpful is to look at the activities we’re filling our mornings and our days with right now. Why do we do what we do? Are our values showing up in the ways we spend our time? Are we laying the right foundations to be able to do what we wanna do and show up at our best?

Peep This Too

In our recent Enough BS course, we went into more detail about our fundamentals, what they are, and how we can rock them. Check it out!

Talking Point #2: It’s not all about the money

Of course, we need to earn a living to get by in this world. But money doesn’t have to be the primary focus of what we do with our lives. On yesterday’s call, we spoke about the need to redefine how we view work and get used to the idea of conscious capitalism, which is all about looking at business not as a way to make money, but as a vehicle to help us live our purpose and give to the world.

Something else to keep in mind is that *we* are our businesses’ and our careers’ biggest assets, so we need to treat ourselves that way. If we can’t serve ourselves, we can’t serve others or show up at our best.

Peep This Too

We had an awesome chat about conscious capitalism with Jeff Klein for the WTF conference. Listen in here.

Talking Point #3: It won’t always be easy

Sometimes, things are gonna suck. They’re gonna be hard. We’re gonna come up against obstacles and opposition. But that’s OK.

We seem to have this idea that there’s no hard work in accomplishment. But it’s not supposed to be easy (remember the Hero’s Journey?). We don’t tend to be as appreciative of things that come easily. Basically, we can’t avoid pain. But we *can* choose how we respond to it. When we come up against resistance, which is inevitable, we can listen to it and give in, or we can move with it and learn to enjoy the ride.

Peep This Too

Steven Pressfield talks about resistance in his awesome book, The War of Art. We highly recommend you check it out!

HW + Action Steps!

What were your biggest takeaways from yesterday’s call? We’d love for you to join the conversation and let us know in the Facebook group.

If you wanna share your thoughts on Twitter, the hashtag to use is #Sensophy. Looking forward to chatting!