Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 53

Big Idea #1: Avoid the Trap of “Becoming Okay”

Personal development can sometimes become a never-ending hamster wheel of working to improve ourselves, but never actually getting anywhere.

You don’t need self-improvement. What you need is self-acceptance.

There are 2 main mindsets of people who get into personal development:

1) Person #1 is NOT OKAY! They use personal development as a means to BE OKAY.

2) Person #2  is OKAY, but they are striving to get BETTER. They want to go from good to great.

Look for this trap that many people fall into: and the trap lies with person #1. They may think they’re working towards “okay”, and they may think they get there…but they never really arrive at “okay.”

They might get there temporarily, but as soon as they get to this mindset, they start right back again at the beginning. This trap comes from trying to “solve” some problem or trying to “fix” themselves. Growth comes from self-acceptance, not self-improvement.

When we go into personal development from a place of “I’m okay”, it opens up the chance to improve and get better, to reach our true potential.

What we resist, persists. So what are you resisting, and how can you love what is? Surrender to your fear, and the fear will disappear.

Big Idea #2: Feeling the Pain to Break Through the Pain

Lessons come up over and over in our lives until we really learn them. Have you ever had the same type of situation come up to teach you a particular lesson, again and again, until you could really embody the meaning behind it?

You might be faced with a challenge where you have the chance to move into the next phase of your life, a growth opportunity. But, tempted by safety and security, you choose to move back into comfort, to retreat back into the known.

Later, you reach another point where you have the opportunity to move forward. Again, you may choose to stay behind… and eventually this will lead to suffering.

But you need to feel the suffering in order to feel that push and drive to break through into the unknown, out of your comfort zone. Only once you leave behind the safety and comfort, will the suffering end.

Are you willing to feel the pain that you need to feel, in order to stop feeling your pain?

Think about a detox: when you start cleansing your body, it starts to release toxins into your system before it gets cleaned out. You have to stick with the pain and suffering as your body cleanses, in order to break through to the other side.

Big Idea #3: It’s Not About “How To”, It’s About “Want To”

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in your life that you would consider to be “not that bad?” How does that feel? Does it feel comfortable? Maybe it’s not fulfilling or in line with your purpose, but it’s safe and predictable.

Or maybe it’s time to start looking at how you can create a job or life that’s awesome and invigorating rather than just “not completely horrible.”

Most people don’t take action because they don’t know what it is that they want. But when you know what you want and how much you want it, then you’ll figure out how to get it. So you need to figure out how badly you want something before you can even think about moving towards achieving it.

When we’re comfortable, oftentimes our character starts to diminish. We find ourselves in the comfy zone and we stop challenging ourselves, stop pushing our limits. But, when we’re continuously challenging ourselves, we’re building our character and we’re able to get what we want. Our dreams more easily come into alignment with reality because we’re taking the steps towards our purpose.

So looking back at the question of “how badly do we want something?”, it’s clear to see that we need to be at a 10/10 in order to make something happen.

If you’re at a 9/10, get to a 10/10 and then you’re ready for some serious magic to start happening in your life!!

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.