Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 55

Big Idea #1: Finding a Coach

When should we get a coach, and how should we go about finding a coach?

Coaching isn’t about fixing yourself; it’s about asking “how do we we enter into a new reality?”

It’s about expanding beyond your sense of what you currently view as possible, identifying blind spots, and shifting your perspective of how the world works and how you work.

A good coach will get on the phone with you and make sure you understand that you might only need or want one call with them. There should never be any pressure to sign up coming from their end. If you do feel pressured, realize that they either are not the right coach for you, or that the feeling may actually be coming from you.

Ask yourself if you’re feeling eager to work with a particular coach. If they give you homework, are you committed to doing the work before you decide to work together? Is the work helpful for you and in alignment with what’s important to you?

Learn how to accept the gift of service. You might find yourself feeling guilty for accepting a complimentary coaching session, but remember that the universe works things out when it comes to reciprocation. Know that in allowing this person to serve, you are giving them a gift as well, and that they will be reciprocated.

Big Idea #2: Wealth Generation as a Means of Profound Service

Wealth generation can be used as a means of profound service! When people say that they want to make a contribution to the world- look at the calendar! Where is service actually happening? Are you spending your days blogging, planning your future and getting to know people… or are you getting out there and serving?

You can trace service right back to the bank account. If your bank account is running low, chances are great that service isn’t happening so much. Serve, and you will see the wealth start to accumulate.

One of the greatest gifts that a coach can give their client, is to allow the client to experience their version of reality. When your client is surrounded by someone who is living the reality they desire, that reality suddenly becomes possible. So if you’re a coach, live your truth and serve your clients by allowing them to experience their reality. And if you’re looking for a coach, seek those who are living the reality you imagine for yourself.

To see how someone processes reality and views situations can be a powerful experience. Just surrounding ourselves by people who are generating wealth through service and living the reality we envision for ourselves can help manifest the life we desire.

Big Idea #3: Being YOU and Focusing Outward

There’s only one thing you need to know about living life:


That’s it. Just be you. If you aren’t sure what’s missing from your life, on a quest to find out, or freaking out because there’s so much uncertainty… just be that person! Be that person who’s perfectly imperfect, and be totally cool with it. This will open up your life and grant more freedom than you can imagine.

All you need to do in life is be who you are, accept who you are!

When we do this, we can get out of our own way, removing the block to living our lives as they’re meant to be lived.

The next, important questions to ask are:

“How can I love, and how can I serve?”

“What can I contribute to the world? How can I best serve others?”

When we’re focused on serving and loving, we let go of our worries and neuroses that we’re not doing enough, not finishing what we start, etc. There is nothing that we need to do or someone that we need to be, that we are not already. We are perfect just as we are and when we accept ourselves as we are, we can focus outward towards helping others. This is where life’s flow of goodness can come through!

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.