Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 57

Big Idea #1: Creating Life Like Art

Living life is an art. There are no rules for what you can do or should do, just like with art. Creating art and creating life is an authentic expression of who we are, and who we are becoming right now. So sometimes it makes sense to get really amped up when we’re creating our lives, and sometimes it makes sense to just make a space and allow things to be created or form naturally. Sometimes we come to our deepest realizations when we’re sitting in a space of utter silence.

We don’t need to know where the conversation is going, whether it’s a conversation with ourselves, or someone we’re helping. The intention is simply to serve and help as much as possible. We don’t need to know exactly where things are going, in this conversation OR in life! The important thing is following the direction of our intention. The exact steps we take in that direction aren’t so important, and neither is when we get there! As long as our intention is solid, we’ll get where we need to go!

In coaching, life or whatever you’re pursuing, remember that there’s no one “right” way to go about it. We don’t always know how things are going to turn out! In fact, when we think we DO know, it’s usually an illusion that we’ve created for ourselves. With all the different paths we can pick, it’s important to just get clear on our intention. Then we can move forward onto the path that’s right for us, and course-correct along the way if needed!

Big Idea #2: Authenticity in Sexual Relationships

What if you could express what you really wanted in an authentic way, when it comes to sexual interactions? What if you could say, “I’m looking for fun, authentic connection and intimacy” and just be completely honest and open about what you want?

What would life be like if we just accepted ourselves completely? Then we could focus on what it is that we actually want in life. We spend so much time hung up on our insecurities, our shortcomings and neuroses… all the ways we think we should be better or our lives should be different. By doing this, we stop life from flowing through us.

Your most important job is to just. BE. YOU. Accept yourself completely as you are, where you are! Get out of your own way, and don’t make everything about you! Focus on your main intention for life and this moment. Make your focus on adventure, fun, service, connection – not on income, status or any other material gains.

I am imperfect, and I am enough. “ – Brene Brown

So when it comes to being authentic with the opposite sex in an intimate context, remember that the most important thing is just to be YOU. Not to worry about what’s the “right” thing to do, what society might think, or what someone else is thinking. What do YOU really want and need in the moment? What if you could express that fully and just be heard?

Big Idea #3: The Hero’s Journey is a Principle for Life

Is there a fine line between following the path on the hero’s journey, and just being irresponsible?

The hero’s journey isn’t an external thing, it’s an internal thing. The hero’s journey is an internal decision to follow the path into uncertainty, to your edge, to a place you haven’t been before… the hero’s journey means playing full out, all-in. It doesn’t have to mean that you quit your job or travel the world – it means making an internal shift to shed your old skin and transform into a new identity.

The hero’s journey is a principle, which means it’s something that lasts. It’s a pattern for the way that human life works. We’re aware of this principle, and can synchronize ourselves with the way that life works. We begin the hero’s journey the moment we’re born, constantly becoming a new version of ourselves, shedding our old identities to come into a new one. When we can recognize this, we can use this principle to help us self-actualize and become vibrant, fulfilled individuals.

The most beautiful, fulfilling and rewarding life is the one where we can let go of who we were, in order to constantly become a new version of ourselves. We are meant to change and develop by nature! Once we understand these principles of life, we can put them to our advantage. Rather than resisting the shifting energy, we can flow with it and allow it to change our lives in an incredible way.

So don’t worry about being “irresponsible” when deciding to venture out on the hero’s journey. Because guess what? You’re already on it!! Keep allowing yourself to grow and change, and step out of your comfort zone. Allow yourself to shift on the inside, and you’ll soon see your external world flourishing to match your internatl state.

HW + Action Steps!

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