Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 60

Big Idea #1: The Power of Openness

There can be such an incredible honor in being able to support someone fully and just be there for them with whatever they need- and then to also have that person be there for you and have your back as well. This constant back-and-forth of unconditional love and support on our Bali retreat was so valuable and a catalyst for lasting change.

And in a space of unconditional love and support, we find the freedom to be fully open and authentic with others. There is so much freedom and power in openness. When we allow ourselves to open ourselves and experience ourselves as we truly are, we give permission for others to experience us as we are as well. And even more than that, we give others permission to be authentically themselves too!

When we don’t have to worry about being judged for expressing ourselves openly, we find a deep power in our authenticity. This creates an upward spiral for everyone involved, as it becomes safe to be fully seen and heard, and people can share parts of themselves that they may normally be hesitant to show.

Big Idea #2: Everyone Feels Like They’re Not Enough

Do you ever get this nagging feeling that maybe you’re just not enough? That you don’t have what it takes, or you’re not ready to go for your big dream… or just maybe find yourself stuck in comparison to others. Whatever it may be, guess what: everyone feels that way sometimes. So you’re definitely not alone in wondering if you’re enough!

So what’s to be done? Well, rather than diving into this idea, try diving out of it. What does that mean? Recognize that everyone deals with this, and accept yourself in the moment, exactly as you are. Just because you have a certain thought or feeling, doesn’t mean you have to focus on it. Instead, try focusing on how you can help and serve!

This kind of thought and focus is going to serve your life a whole lot better – not to mention that of those around you.

So don’t worry about tackling “I’m not enough.” Instead, recognize that it’s there and accept it, and shift towards what you want to create, who you want to serve and how to bring more love into the world!

Big Idea #3: Maintaining the Momentum After Transformation

Our Bali retreat was full of transformational shifts, as 18 purpose-seekers took a huge risk in their life and came out to Bali to step into uncertainty. We shared from the heart, explored temples, values, what it means to make a living while making a difference, climbed a mountain and lived together among the rice paddies in Bali (just to name a short few of our adventures!) We created a tight community that’s going to last far beyond the retreat.

But how do we maintain the momentum after such a transformative experience like this? What does it look like to carry this shift forward and implement it into our lives in the long term?

Community is one of the hugest contributors to lasting change. Going through an experience like this actually shifts something in your being, and so honoring this shift and allowing it to take form is also part of the process.

Another part of transformation is learning how to set goals that will stretch you but not snap you. Think about a rubber band: when it’s stretched, it’s strong, sturdy and purposeful. But when it’s stretched to the snapping point, it HURTS! So how do we know when a goal is worth going for? Stretch goals have about a 50/50 probability of achieving them. And even if you miss it, learn to ask the right questions about your experience and look at what you learned, rather than letting a missed goal affect your inner worth.

If you let your results define your self-worth, you’ll be moving forward in life with a fear of failure. But if you set stretch goals that you know will teach you something in the process, you’re going to learn a ton and end up increasing your probabilities of success.

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.