Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 62

Big Idea #1: How to Deal When You Might Want to Lose Your Sh*t!

You know that feeling when something unexpected happens that just makes your stomach drop? Maybe you have money stolen, or something else happens that makes you just want to lose your shit… Does it ever seem easiest to just totally react, get all angry and freak out? This might be your initial response to this type of situation. But when you really stop to notice this, you might realize that you don’t consciously want to create your life experience this way.

Instead, try taking a moment to choose how you respond, instead of just reacting. Sure, you might feel wronged or violated, but in the space between stimulus and response lies our greatest freedom: the freedom to choose how we respond to a situation.

So if we’ve been wronged or violated, what are some other ways we can deal without reacting or freaking out?

Compassion is always a good place to come from. If you’ve been wronged by another person, try asking yourself what was going through this person’s head or going on in their life which made them do this kind of thing. Resolving any kind of conflict begins with understanding. Once you try to understand what was going on for this person, you’ll feel more compassion for them, and you’ll find that compassion puts you in a way better space to deal with the situation.

Another great place to go in this space is gratitude. Even though this negative thing happened, what can you be grateful for in this moment? Maybe your money got stolen, but you can be grateful that you have enough in your life that the loss won’t debilate you. And since you understand the principles of wealth, you can always generate more. Look for the positive in a “negative” situation – and you’ll find freedom there as well!

Big Idea #2: Rising Up the Ladder of Consciousness

It’s super important to know what’s the best place to make decisions from in our lives. We can use a tool called the Ladder of Consciousness to look at where we’re at and what space is best for decision making.

Think of a ladder, where the top rungs represent anger, worry, fear and the top rungs are spirit, contribution, creativity, inspiration. We want to have a moment-to-moment awareness of where we are on the ladder. We can really only see the possibilities for our lives from as high as we are on the ladder. But yet, so many of us are making decisions when we’re chilling out down with fear, anger and worry. From this place, we can’t see the great possibilities that actually exist.

So when we figure out how to raise ourselves on the ladder, then we see way more possibilities for our lives and are able to make much better decisions!

So how do we raise ourselves up on the ladder of consciousness? It might be rocking your fundamentals, going to yoga, having a meaningful conversation… or whatever it is that brings you to a space of lightness, inspiration and creativity.

The important thing to remember is: You don’t need to feel like you have to get to the top or be perfect, in order to make a decision! It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being in a space that’s good enough to make a choice that serves you.

The same goes for making decisions that are in line with our values. Rather than waiting until something lines up perfectly with all of our values, you can make a decision on something that lines up as well as possible. Don’t wait until something feels perfect, in order to take action.

When you make conscious choices based on your values, coming from your heart, you’ll really touch people in a deep way. People will feel this, and be much more interested and inclined to move towards you when you’re coming from this space.

Big Idea #3: When Your Family Just Doesn’t “Get” You

When you’re at a certain place in your life, it can be really discouraging speaking with family members or loved ones who don’t understand where you’re coming from, and might even make you feel drained or triggered. So how do we deal when some of our closest people aren’t able to understand us in the way we might like them to?

First of all, it can help to understand where they’re coming from. Your family is, far more likely than not, interacting with you from a place of love and protection. Although it might sound like they’re nagging or bringing you down, it’s usually just coming from the place from where they know how to love. They’re not speaking to you from a malicious place.

And remember that past pains can hurt can cause people to bring that onto others. Maybe your parents have gone through pain in their past, and only want to protect you from that. Try to approach them from a place of love, rather than getting triggered and reacting. In other words, choose love over righteousness.

This might mean not engaging with what they’re saying, and instead just being with it and noticing what’s going on for you, without reacting and creating a huge issue. Or you can verbally express what you’re feeling, and respectfully communicate with them about it, recognizing that they’re coming from a place of love while laying your personal boundaries.

HW + Action Steps!

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