Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 64

Big Idea #1: Setting Stretch Goals

Do you ever have a feeling like you know generally what it is that you wanna do, the broad strokes of your goals… but are looking for a more specific means of getting there?

You’ve got your intention set, but are looking to hone it and create the vehicle that’s going to bring that to life.

Your life is your message. Think about the message you want to bring to the world. Where in your life can you become more in integrity with these concepts? How can you step into the values that you really want to share with the world?

Now, it’s time to turn a concept into an action plan. Because while concepts are great… actions are what get things done.

So when it comes to setting goals, start with a large goal that seems almost unattainable. What is the goal that would really launch you into your ideal life, even if it seems too big? What kind of goal really excites you and gets your heart pounding?

Next, identify the action steps that you can take on a regular basis that will bring you to this goal. Create an action step that will put you in that direction. It should feel like a stretch – it shouldn’t feel easy or comfortable! Create that stretch goal, and achieve it.

The next goal will be 1 ½ times bigger than the last goal. So once you’ve been rocking your first baby step goal, multiply that by 1.5 and make that your new goal. A little more difficult… not that you snap, but so you stretch again. Keep stretching. Keep knocking off your action steps. And pretty soon, you know what? You’re at that big goal which once seemed unattainable.

Big Idea #2: Feeling Great About Raising Prices

If you’re thinking about raising prices for your services to the world, you might find yourself facing some resistance, and you’re not alone!

So where does the fear in raising prices come from? We might have fear that if we raise our prices, that people will run away. Maybe they won’t be able to pay for what we’re offering, or maybe they won’t want to.

Money = value. Where we put our money is where we put our value. So increasing the price of your services increases the amount of value that people are putting on them. So it will increase the amount of commitment that people will put into the experience, which then increases how you show up to serve them. And you obviously also want to be able to support yourself and live your ideal life while giving your gifts to the world.

Don’t forget to focus on what’s working now! You might want some change, but don’t forget to look at what’s currently working, because this is a great place to move forward from. How can you tweak what’s already working, to make it even better?

There’s something really magical about committing to doing something, and then figuring out how to do it along the way. You don’t have to map out some plan before you get started. If you have a particular goal or amount in mind, set that intention and then start working toward it.

And remember that giving and receiving is a natural flow. When we give, give, give without being able to receive, then we’re giving from a place of depletion.

It’s just like inhaling and exhaling. You can’t just keep exhaling without ever inhaling. So when you’re giving, it’s important to be able to receive as well. Keep the energetic flow open to receiving, because this is the natural flow of life.

Big Idea #3: Building Foundations for Solid Communication

Sometimes when we’re speaking to someone about an issue that we’re already very familiar with, we can assume that they know what we’re talking about. But the reality may be that we need to slow down and lay a solid foundation from which to communicate! This can apply to you whether you’re a coach or just looking to have meaningful and helpful conversations with people.

If you’re trying to help someone gain a clearer understanding of an issue they’re going through, ask yourself, what are the core areas you need to speak about in order to help them get a full understanding? You might want to step back and try to see the situation from their perspective. What do they really need to know here?

Build the foundation before jumping into details. What are the core pieces of that topic that are going to make the biggest difference in this person’s life? What do they need to be able to understand in order to create their ideal reality?

You can also think about creating the context so this experience will be as powerful as it can be. Just keep focusing on what are the most important core things that you can make sure you communicate as you help this person, whether it’s as a coach or as a friend!

HW + Action Steps!

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