Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 65

Big Idea #1: Setting Boundaries And How to Stop People-Pleasing

As we create an authentic experience of our life, it forces us to drop the bullshit and layers that we’ve built up on the outside… and to get more and more raw, from our source. There’s a lot of power in that. And it will challenge your friends and the people around you, because it shows them that if you start to live life this way, then their current paradigm of reality is different. “If she can do it, then I should be able to do it!” So when you shift your paradigm and live your life differently, it challenges those close to you.

It’s part of the hero’s journey: to let the layers shed off, and speak from your core. Many people feel fear of doing this, but there is so much power in speaking the truth from your heart. Oftentimes, the problems in life simply come from a lack of speaking the truth… a lack of authenticity. So the only thing you need to do is create a more authentic situation in your life. When you speak the truth, approach people and situations authentically, powerful things can happen.

Be warned: when you start to take courageous action steps and really live in alignment with your soul, people may start to hate on you! You’re going to trigger people who are afraid to do the very things that you are doing. So you can almost come to expect a reaction when you start to step out. Recognize that you’re differentiating yourself from the norm. You might trigger some people, but you’re going to inspire a whole lot more.

But watch out for being energetically drained by people who start hating on us. Where in our life do we need to put some boundaries? it might be around who we’re hanging out with. Where are we making pleasing people more important than rocking our purpose? And what’s the one action step we can take right now to put a boundary in place, to make our purpose more important than pleasing people?

Big Idea #2: Redefining “The Story” We’re Brought Up With

Creating an extraordinary life means figuring out what’s most important to you, and seeing what parts of your life are in alignment with that. But this can be challenging because we’re constantly given stories by the outside world about how our lives “should” work. We’re actually born right into these stories, and conditioned to take them on as our own. But over time, with conscious practice, we start to awaken.

Now in our lives, we are awakening metaphorically, becoming aware that we can reach another level of consciousness and creation of our own lives.

We are awakening from the social narrative, the story ingrained by collective society. So now, we’ve gotta figure out where we stand in all the different areas of life! Do we accept what we’ve been given from birth, what we’ve been told to accept as given, in areas like work, money, relationships, etc?

So how can you rewrite your life according to your own story? Be aware of what’s most important to you. You can design your life, work and relationships however you choose – the important thing is living in alignment with your values.

Big Idea #3: Recognizing an Unhealthy Relationship – and Moving Towards a Healthy One

At one point or another, like it or not, we might find ourselves in an unhealthy relationship. Luckily, there is so much to be learned from this kind of situation. While we might be aware the relationship isn’t healthy, it’s often not so easy to just walk away.

Sometimes, in fact, it’s the unhealthiest relationships that are the most difficult to leave behind. So why is this?

What are you getting from this?

You might not want to see it at first, but there is a shadow side to an unhealthy relationship – especially one that feels difficult to leave behind. There is something you are getting from this connection that takes strength and clarity of purpose to leave behind.

Oftentimes, it’s a distraction. The relationship gives a reason for us not being at the level that we could be. It can be our excuse for why we’re not stepping into our light and purpose. It might be a codependent relationship… we might be wanting to fix or save this person. It keeps us from needing to make ourselves available and vulnerable, keeps us from diving deep into our own purpose.

What kind of boundaries do we need to put up around people who are draining us and keeping us away from our purpose?

Does this mean leaving behind someone that we’re in a relationship with?

We don’t meet our ideal partners by going out and looking for them. We meet our ideal partners when we’re living our purpose. And we don’t want to meet someone where we are… we want to meet someone on the way to where we wanna go. Because we don’t want to be with someone who’s going to keep us stuck in the place where we are now.

So step into alignment with your purpose and mission, and keep focused on moving forward and feeling how you want to feel. Imagine you’re in your ideal relationship. How do you feel? Feel into that state. How can you feel those feelings here and now, without needing a relationship to get you there? When you can reach your ideal state without the help of a partner, this is when you will start to attract the right partner into your life.

HW + Action Steps!

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