Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 68

Big Idea #1: Desperation is a Wealth Repellant

Doing something you’re not really passionate about, just to earn money and “stay afloat” is like modern-day slavery. If you’re doing something with the mindset that “this needs to work now”, and I “need to make money”, then you’re screwed! Desperation is a wealth repellant. When you go for something because you “need” it to be okay, then it’s actually really hard to get it. But when you move forward with the motivation to serve and improve people’s lives, you let go of desperation and allow wealth and service to flow.

So many people work on their website, their blog, their app… some part of their business that might be flashy, but isn’t actually helping people directly in their lives. These aren’t wealth generators. Service is a wealth generator.

So what is the one thing you can do right now that will directly make a difference to someone’s life? This is your minimum viable product that you should be putting your energy in to build your business. Focus on the actions that will directly serve at least one person and make a difference to their life – and allow your business and life to grow from that place.

Big Idea #2: Fear of Failure

The rule that many of us learn from childhood is that we need to be perfect. If we’re not perfect, then we won’t be loved – and as children, we seek love more than anything, because love is associated with life. If we’re not loved and cared for as a small child, then we will die. So we start to link imperfection with death.

The thing is, many of us continue to go through our lives with this notion that imperfection means death. But this is simply an old rule that applied in our childhood. We can actually change this old rule into a new rule that will serve us better.

So instead of “If I fail, I will die”, what about the new rule: “If I try, I will learn.”

The voice from childhood is trying to protect you. So rather than hating on it, accept that it only has your best interest in mind- but you no longer need it running your life.

Big Idea #3: Dealing with Commitment and Big Decisions

Sometimes after committing to something big in our life, we start to doubt that choice and be tempted to bail or go back and forth between lots of other options. This can feel super overwhelming, stuck in our heads and not actually taking productive action.

So the question to ask is, where can you take a specific action step that will move you forward in a direction that feels good? If I wasn’t afraid, what action step would I take right now? Don’t get distracted by all those activities which aren’t actually making a difference in other people’s lives.

It’s never helpful to get stuck in our heads about what’s the “right” path to take. Big commitments can feel scary, but that’s probably because they’re going to create the most transformation in your life.

HW + Action Steps!

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