Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 69

Big Idea #1: Successfully Starting New Projects

There are often two things that come up when we’re trying to create something new, whether it’s a new project in our business, or any other type of goal we want to achieve in our life.

The first is making it all about us. Maybe we’re doing something because we want to achieve our personal goal, or feel successful. Or maybe we want other people to see us in a certain way.

The second thing is needing it to happen right now. We feel impatient or even desperate for a goal to come to fruition as soon as possible, so we’re coming from a place of need.

When either or both of these factors come into play, it’s actually a recipe for disaster. What we really want to focus on when it comes to goals is diligence, persistence and patience. And of course, we want to focus on how we can serve other people, rather than focusing everything on ourselves. And make sure to allow yourself more time than you think you’ll need to achieve your goal. Remember: desperation is a wealth (and goal) repellant!

Remember that it’s all good no matter what! If something doesn’t take off right away, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t “meant to” do something. Just stay persistent and in line with the “why” of your goal! You might need to get creative but there is always a way to achieve your goal if you come from a place of heart and purpose.

Big Idea #2: Bouncing Back!

Feeling overwhelmed can happen for many different reasons in life. Maybe your life has gone through some changes due to a new baby or relationship, changes in job, or anything else. When you’re struggling to get back on track, it can feel really hard to find the support you need and you might find yourself feeling alone on the journey.

When you are looking to get back on track when you’re feeling overwhelmed, approach the situation by asking yourself what you really need. Where do you need support, and where can you find it? Don’t underestimate your support network because chances are, there are many people who would love to help you with whatever you’re going through.

And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed in life, one great way to get out of this trap is by focusing on how you can serve other people and focus your efforts on improving other people’s lives.

Big Idea #3: Coming From Your “Why”

When you’re trying to start something new or create a new project, ask yourself “what is the why behind this?” It can be really hard to generate momentum on a new project or idea when you’re not really clear on the “why” behind it! Are you looking to create a greater sense of connection where it doesn’t exist yet? What service are you trying to provide for people? It’s so important to get clear on exactly why you want to create a new program or other project.

And what is missing in the world? What is it that people need, but don’t currently have? And what is the most slimmed-down version you can create to experiment with?

Mostly, connect with your WHY right now, before making the investment to create your project. Make sure that you’re energetically in the space of your “why” so when you do move forward with your project, that you’re moving from the place of your purpose.

HW + Action Steps!

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