Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 75

Big Idea #1: Exemplify a Life in Integrity

We all hear about how important it is to life in integrity with our purpose and values, but this can often be difficult to practice when we are overwhelmed with the task of taking care of our family. It’s true that taking a job to support your family, even if it’s out of alignment with some of your values, can be a good thing if it’s in alignment with the value of taking care of your family. This is different than working in a job that’s out of alignment with you, for years and years on end without a measurable goal of any kind.

But if you constantly put your purpose on the backburner, it can actually cause your partner or loved ones to feel unsafe with you. When you’re totally grounded in your purpose, you exude stability and confidence. Your partner will feel safe when you are living in alignment with who you really are, because you feel like an anchor, grounded in living a healthy and fulfilled life. If you sacrifice this life in order to meet the initial needs of your family, you’ll ultimately show them a poor example of how to live their life.

It’s our job to heal ourselves, so that we can heal the world. When we show up in a strong, presenced way, we inspire those around us to do the same. When you’re mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy, then you’re in the best position to support others.

Big Idea #2: There’s Nowhere To Arrive To!

What does it mean “to arrive?” Often when it comes to naming a price for our services or reaching some other goal in work or life, we find ourselves in the judgment and comparison trap. Rather than viewing “arriving” as getting to some place that you feel like you “should” be, or where someone else is, what if “arriving” meant being courageous, taking action from a place of love and service, and really making a difference in the world?

What if there was no place to arrive or get to, but instead, there was a place to come from? You wouldn’t have to change anything, you just get to be who you are and bring forth all your unique and natural gifts. You can focus instead on “coming from” a place of service, courage and consciousness which is your natural state of being. Showing up like this in work and life is what will really serve the world.

Big Idea #3: Fail for Fun

When faced with the notion of failure, many of us would back far away! So why would we want to fail? It’s actually a really healthy thing to do! Failing pushes your limits, it stretches and strengthens you, helps you see how far you really can go and what you thought you couldn’t achieve. Failing is actually one of the greatest ways that you can learn in life.

So why not make failing something fun? You can challenge yourself to try things that you might not have normally gone for, keeping the mindset that you’re going to allow yourself to fail. If you stay within your comfort zone, you’re never going to grow into your full potential. So if you try something new and fail at it the first time, pat yourself on the back for taking the challenge full on and take the lesson from the experience – so you can rock it next time.

HW + Action Steps!

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