Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 76

Big Idea #1: Cultivating the Path

When it comes to being able to serve other people in the world, your ability to help comes always back to your own consciousness and transformation. If you’re a coach, for example, you can only ever take a client as deep as you’ve gone yourself. This might sound like some kind of cliche, but it’s true! The path of inner transformation isn’t an easy one to follow, but if done well, you will reap infinite benefits. It takes cultivating and nourishment, patience and the understanding that you might not see results *right away*, but the time you’re putting in now is setting the way for growth in the future.

On the other hand, if you approach a project with the mentality that you need it to start succeeding right away, you’re setting yourself up for failure! This is because desperation is a wealth repellant. But if you approach something knowing that you’re making a long-term investment, and focus on your present growth rather than desperation about having it convert right away, then you’ll find a lot more success.

Big Idea #2: You’re Okay, No Matter What

We need to heal ourselves before we can heal others. We might feel a great calling to serve the world in some way, but it’s important to remember that we need to really love ourselves and nourish our own needs before we can really show up in the world the way we want to.

This doesn’t mean that we need to wait to start serving! Get out there in the world and serve, no doubt! But just don’t put your focus completely outward, when there’s still some inner work that needs to be done. And remember not to make a story that becoming a successful coach will make you happy. Your happiness comes from within, not from some external goal. The problem with setting external goals as a measure of your happiness is that if you don’t reach it, you end up feeling crushed.

You are always okay, no matter what happens. When you can reach this place, you can go for anything and reach higher goals than you would have otherwise imagined! You’re not trying to reach “okay”, because you’re already there, always! And from that place of “okay”, you’re going to be on your way to “great” and “incredible.”

Big Idea #3: Envisioning Success

Obviously, success is something that most of us really want to achieve. And we’re told so many different things about the best ways to reach success – from affirmations and visualizing success, to just doing the nitty gritty work. So what’s the best way to envision success to make it a reality? Is it looking at the end result? Or is it focusing on the steps that will get you there?

Think about this: the purpose of a goal is to enjoy life more! We shouldn’t be setting goals because we think that achieving them will make us happy. Goals are worthwhile because they help us actually enjoy the process of life more! They are a part of the journey, but they should not be thought of as the final destination that represents ultimate happiness.

HW + Action Steps!

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