Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 79

Big Idea #1: Knowing When and How to Help

Sometimes we are so eager to serve someone, but we might realize that the things they’re dealing with are beyond our capacity and it might be best for them to see a professional therapist. How do we know when we can be the one to help, or when they should see another specialist?

Rather than feeling like you *need* to help someone, experiment and see *how* you can help them, whatever that might mean. Be open to the idea that while you might be the one to help this person, you also might not be, and that’s okay! Sometimes the best help that you can give to someone, is to get them to a place where they can be helped. (This can be applied not only to coaching, but for any area of your life where you feel called to help someone out.)

Offer an authentic conversation to this person, and see how much you can serve them. And if you feel that they would be best served by speaking to a professional in some other area, see if you can help them find that person! This is you giving the most profound service possible.

Keep in mind that when we have a coach in our community who brings up a question here, that the answer and wisdom coming from this question can also be applied to your life, whatever career or passion you are following. So remember to translate the context of the question to your own goals and life!

Big Idea #2: Achieving the Highest Version of Ourselves

First of all, keep in mind that NO one is really achieving THE highest version of themselves! So you’re not behind! Rather than thinking of this “highest version of yourself” as a place to arrive to, think of it as a moment-to-moment process, as a journey. In any given moment, this might mean something as simple as stopping to mindfully take deep breaths, which will open your consciousness to really see the places where you can step out and serve in life.

Every moment in life, we have 2 choices: we can step forward into growth, or backward into safety and comfort. If we choose to step forward, we’re actually 2 points ahead of where we WOULD have been if we had chosen to step back! As you raise yourself up by stepping forward into growth, you start to see the possibilities you wouldn’t normally see.

When we’re happier, we come up with more ideas, we’re more creative, more connected…essentially, happiness leads to success. When we take good care of ourselves and create the conditions for happiness, THIS is how we start to live the best life we possibly can. The best ideas never come when we are banging our head against the wall! Our best ideas come when we’re in a great state, in our body, laughing, enjoying life!

Big Idea #3: Observing our Thoughts, Not Believing Them

In life, we have all kinds of thoughts…some of them helpful, and some of them not-so-much. When we’re taking good care of ourselves, oftentimes, the thoughts of self-doubt, fear and negativity will go away. If we start to neglect our happiness and our needs, then our battles will re-emerge. So step one in approaching your thoughts is to look at how you’re caring for your own well-being.

We have to learn not to give any power to the thoughts which come from a place of fear, and recognize although we are *having* that thought, we are NOT that thought. Having certain thoughts doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with us, or even that the thought is true.

Sometimes, we might think we’re a fraud. Sometimes, we might think we should give up. Sometimes we have crazy thoughts and if we really believed them, we’d never move forward. The difference is choosing how to respond to these thoughts, rather than believing them.

When we take power in the space between stimulus and response…. the space between having a thought and believing that thought… that’s where we can take the power to have whatever response we want. And if we’ve created a solid foundation for ourself and our life, we can insert a powerful response in there that’s going to elevate us.

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.