Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 81

Big Idea #1: Letting go of a black and white mentality

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to take on everything all at once? Maybe you’re working on creating a business, starting a family, and just taking care of everything else in life… How can we do it all without feeling too overwhelmed?

First of all, are you stuck in a black and white mentality? Are you telling yourself that you need to accomplish all, or nothing in a certain area? This is going to cause anxiety for sure, because it’s not possible to live in black and white state.

What’s the belief that’s causing the anxiety? What is making you think that you need to be a certain way or do a certain thing, and if you don’t do that then life isn’t going to work?

Letting go of the“black and white” or “all or nothing” mindset is crucial to find balance and peace throughout overwhelming times. It’s not about arriving to some destination where there’s never going to be another struggle or challenging situation. Instead, you’re stepping into the challenge intentionally! There’s always going to be a medium, a grey area where things are somewhere in the middle. Find where you can create balance, compromise, find support from others and get to that happy medium.

Big Idea #2: Allowing yourself to depend on someone

It can be really hard to let ourselves depend on others for support. We often find ourselves believing that we need to be able to take care of everything in life all on our own. That depending on someone makes us weak, or that asking for help is an imposition on someone else.

But think about it: have you ever depended on someone to help support you so that you could be in alignment with your truth, and it actually worked out even better?

It can be uncomfortable to ask for help or support, but what you’ll find is that people are more than happy to help. And even more than that, you’re providing someone with a beautiful opportunity to serve and support. Think about it: maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to take care of your kids, and take care of everything else in life. You might feel uncomfortable asking a relative to help you out with childcare, but in the end you’re providing them the opportunity to bond with the children and everyone ends up more fulfilled in the end.

Remember that letting others support you is giving them the opportunity to serve. This shift of perspective can help you see how this benefits everyone in the long run.

Big Idea #3: Decisions based on core values

Do you ever find yourself in this situation in life where you suddenly have lots of freedom for what to do next, but no idea what to do with that? It can be super overwhelming to see all these options spread before you, but not feel exactly sure where to take the leap. So here’s a great way to help figure that out.

Write out your top core values. Figure out what is the most important to you in your life: what values must be present in order for you to be living a life most in alignment with your truth? Examples of values include connection, growth, exploration, freedom, authenticity.

Then, write out the top 3 options that you have before you. These might be places to move, jobs to take, etc. And go through the list, asking yourself how much of each value you will find with each option. For example, “how much growth and challenge will I find in moving to Mexico? How about Thailand?” Making decisions based on core values is the most likely way to ensure you’re going to feel happy and fulfilled with your choice.

HW + Action Steps!

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