Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 83

Big Idea #1: Turning Around a Scarcity Mindset

Shifting your relationship with and previous beliefs about money. First of all, what is your current relationship to money! Are you feeling like money is something that you have to “deal with”, instead of something light and enjoyable? This might be the first thing you want to shift. Money is an area where you can actually create some magical things in your life, so let go of the heavy energy around it.

Oftentimes our issue around money is feeling like we don’t deserve to feel abundant. No matter how much money you make, what relationship you’re in, what your job is, etc…. we have a relationship with ourselves on the inside. It doesn’t matter what’s happening on the outside in our world. If we place our self-worth on the results we’re seeing in our outer world, it’s not going to be a sustainable way to find happiness.

Pay attention to the thoughts that you have. Which ones are actually serving you in the direction of your goals? And which ones are holding you back? And ask yourself, what is really creating your happiness? Are you relying on something in your outer world to make you happy? Or are you creating happiness in your life from within?

Big Idea #2: Fix the Projector, Not the Screen

We can view our experience of life as that of a projector on a screen. If something’s not quite right in our life, we’ll see a flaw on the screen. If we’re not conscious of what’s really creating our reality, we might try to fix it by going up to the screen to try to wipe it off. But obviously, this isn’t going to help with anything! Whatever’s messing up the screen is on the filter on the projector, so we need to go back to the source to clear the image.

Going back to the filter on the projector to fix the problem is equivalent to going back to our own mindsets and beliefs that we’re bringing to our life, rather than trying to “fix” our external circumstances. If we try to “fix” our job, our relationship, home, or anything else outside ourselves, this is just like trying to wipe the screen to clear the image.

We have to understand what filter we are using to perceive our world through, and how to change that filter if it isn’t serving us. If we aren’t feeling abundant in life because we feel like we don’t “deserve” it, then it’s time to get rid of the “deserving” filter, and replace it with one of “wealth leads to service.” Then, happiness, success and abundance doesn’t come from the mindset of “I deserve this.” Instead, it comes from a mindset of “Wow, look how much I can profoundly serve this person!”

Big Idea #3: To Get What you Want, Help Someone Else Get It

To create wealth in a sustainable and uplifting way, in a way that you don’t feel burnt out or depleted, comes from service. We talk about this alot, but here we’re going to take it to the next level.

Whatever you want in life, help somebody get that thing. If you can help somebody else get what YOU want, it’s gonna come back to you!  This might seem like a paradoxical rule of thumb – but just try it! It’s the rule of karma, and it will create massive changes in your life.

Basically, the quickest way to get what you want is to help somebody else get it.

Try it! See what starts to manifest in your life.

So what kind of people are you inspired to serve? Who do you want to be around, where do you want to be doing it, what sorts of thoughts do you want to engage with?

Remember that we need to serve ourselves first, before we can serve others. And, sometimes the best thing you can do for other people, is for YOU to have the most fun!

HW + Action Steps!

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