Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 84

Big Idea #1: Setting Boundaries For Our Dreams

Parents are just doing the best they can to deal with the uncertainty – trying to protect you, and deal with her own fear around things they can’t control. Oftentimes this can feel to us like they’re trying to hold us back, or reducing our excitement about our dreams and ambitions. While we look at leaps into uncertainty through a lens of creativity and inspiration, our parents may have more fear around it.

So there are certain boundaries that are worth having with certain people, and our parents are a great example of that.

If your dream is valuable and tender, you might not want to talk about it with everyone. If you share your deepest and most vulnerable, sacred dreams with everyone, you’re putting these fragile things out there to possibly get crushed. Sometimes we need to choose our purpose over our parents. That doesn’t mean we don’t love our parents – because we do! We’re just choosing a deeper wisdom and truth than what our parents are telling us – which comes from a good place, yes – but also comes from fear.

Big Idea #2: Context vs. Content

Oftentimes, the people who love us (usually our family!) don’t always support us exactly the way we would like them to. Just like we’ve talked about before, the ones closest to us are often operating from a place of fear, when it comes to us doing big things in our life (that usually involve uncertainty!)

So when we’re interacting with our loved ones in this space, there’s a difference between content and context. Getting caught up in the content of what they’re saying is likely to make us upset. But if we step away from the content of what someone is saying, and look instead at the context – we can then understand what it is that they really mean. This will reveal that they are speaking to us out of love, not some desire to hold us back.

Big Idea #3: Kindness as success

When you want something, it’s okay to go for it! Remember, success is not this place to get TO. It’s a place to come FROM. So what does this mean? Coming from success means that it doesn’t really matter how things work out – it doesn’t affect how worthy we are. What matters is the journey, how we spend our time, and how we choose to live our life.

Also, when we’re feeling emotions about a situation, remember that those emotions are okay, but they don’t dictate our lives! We can notice these emotional states and know that at the same time, we have the power to choose our own emotional states in our lives.

What if the ultimate measure of success was embodying kindness, on a moment-to-moment basis in life? Consider this as you go about your life. We’re guessing your quality of life will go up dramatically!


HW + Action Steps!

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