Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 85

Big Idea #1: Making Tweaks Rather Than An Overhaul

So you’ve got a job you’re currently working at, but don’t totally love. And you can see a different path that might look a whole lot better – but you’d have to change a LOT to get there. Rather than going crazy with a total overhaul of your life, for now, look at what are the things that are working really well in your current job? Even if you don’t know it right away, you will find some things that DO work for you.

So before completely jumping ship and doing a total 180 of your life, how you can bring more of those things in to what you’re currently doing? Chances are, you’re probably not as far off from your ideal situation as you think you are. And at the very least, you’ll put yourself in more alignment while you work towards your most ideal situation.

Creating some tweaks to your current situation can put your more in alignment with what you really want, and being in more alignment will help your life flow with more ease and joy – opening up new opportunities that might not have been there before.

Big Idea #2: REALLY Taking Care of Yourself

When you’re in a place where you’re taking care of yourself, other problems in your life will start to dissipate – whether it’s issues with work, relationships, family, or anything else. Your energy is higher when you engage in self-care, you’re able to see more clearly and problems feel less heavy.

Make sure to pay attention to where your spirit is when you make decisions. When you make a decision from a bad place, it becomes a bad decision. When you commit to only making decisions from a good place, you will make far better decisions that will impact your life positively.

So now may not be the time to “figure out” a solution. Now might be the time to take care of yourself. When you’re experiencing life with a higher consciousness, you know that you’re able to make better decisions that are gonna be more in line with your higher self. It almost becomes less relevant to deal with the specific context of whatever’s going on. It’s an easy trap to fall into, thinking that we need to “figure everything out”…. when the truth is, everything is really okay, and the most important is taking care of yourself.

And just because you’re meditating and exercising and doing all the fundamentals everyday, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re REALLY taking care of yourself. We also need to be making life decisions that take care of us. Keep that in mind, and make sure to combine your fundamentals with the unique things that YOU need to show up well in life.

Big Idea #3: The Energy Behind What You’re Saying

Alot of times, we think so hard about what we’re saying (especially when it has to do with gaining clients and growing our biz!) But in all honesty, context can be more important than content. What this means is, WHAT you say might not be as important as HOW you’re saying it! What is the energy behind your words and intentions? How are you bringing yourself to your interactions?

Remember: desperation is a wealth repellant. If you come across as needy, whether that’s in your business, personal life or anywhere else – it will push other people away.

But if you come from place of a genuine desire to serve and make the world better, you will attract people to you.

There’s a difference between knowing and doing… and doing and being. We can also look at this as the difference between emotional intelligence vs. emotional fitness. Knowing that not only do you KNOW this thing, but you have the ability to turn it on in the moment, when you need it!

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.