Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 86

Big Idea #1: Our Family’s Voice in Our Head

Do you ever find yourself going through life and suddenly, you’re dealing with the voice of your family in our head? We hear them say what we “should” do – this is totally normal – because it’s been ingrained in us since childhood! Whether our family is immediately around us or not, knowing how to respond lovingly in that moment, is the REAL spiritual work! Know how to not react, but to observe this message and respond in a conscious and loving way.

There’s some things that your parents just don’t need to know. We can love and be close to our parents for sure, but especially as we evolve on our journey, there comes a point where we need to look to our community for support with the big challenges.

Big Idea #2: Will Our Parents Ever Understand Us?

Feeling like our parents will never understand us. Guess what: there’s a strong possibility that our parents may never understand some parts of us! There is a surrender to the fact that you can love someone, without them really “getting” you. We can love our family and show up with the intention of being loving and kind, without expecting to understand us completely. And make sure you’re aware of the boundaries you need to have in place to protect yourself.

In our parents mind, they’re often just trying to protect us because they care about us and ultimately just want us to be safe. So while they’re coming from a place of love, it can actually feel threatening to our growth. Remember to love them from a space of understanding that they don’t need to get everything about us.

Big Idea #3: Dealing With Losing Your Job

When we go through challenges like losing a job, it’s important to be careful not to let the situation mean something about you. We have the power to view any situation in any way that we want to. When we lose a job, we can see that this happened so that we can be free to enter into something that’s even MORE in alignment for us. Don’t put any negative meaning on something which doesn’t need to be there.

So if you’re dealing with the loss of a job – how can you use this situation as a catalyst for creating something even greater in your life? What can you fill the new space with that’s going to launch you into what you’re REALLY meant to do?

HW + Action Steps!

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