Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 87

Big Idea #1: Changing Your Relationship To Money

Feeling pain or tightness around spending money. Can you make the distinction that this pain doesn’t happen when you spend money on everything? What is your relationship to money, and where did that come from? Maybe growing up, spending money was a real hardship, and maybe you picked up some beliefs about money from your parents.

You could have developed some beliefs which make it difficult for you to deal with spending money, earning money, etc. That doesn’t mean this is WHO you are! You’re not genetically predisposed to have fears and challenges around money! It’s simply some programming you picked up when you were a child, when you didn’t know any better!

This is great news, because it just means you have an opportunity to evolve your thinking. Rather than just saying “this is who I am”, you can take ownership and responsiblity for your beliefs and then change them.

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that wealth comes from getting people to like us. But this is actually a child’s orientation towards money. “Other people have money… and so for me to get some too, I need these people to approve of me!”

So what’s a more evolved way to think about money?

Creating value. Serving in a way that’s so useful, that people pay us for that value and impact. When we shift into THIS mindset, then it can feel great to spend money! Because spending money becomes a way to embody our values, and circulate wealth in the areas we really align with.

Big Idea #2: Just Get Moving!

The human body is best balanced when it’s in motion. Balance comes with motion – and the same goes with our lives. Oftentimes we stand still, looking around for clarity, trying to “figure things out” – but in the process of standing around and looking around, we get off balance! We’re still and rigid, so everything feels way more difficult and challenging.

But if we would just allow ourselves to get in motion and just start moving, we’ll naturally find more balance in this flow. It doesn’t even matter if it’s the “right” direction or decision – the flow will help you feel more clarity about the next steps.

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of analysis paralysis – tying knots in our mind and getting nowhere! Obviously, we want to find the balance between thinking about our situation and taking action, but if you find yourself feeling totally stuck, it’s often best to just starting moving in some direction.

Big Idea #3: Taking Responsibility and Making an Impact

Where are you putting the power outside yourself? It can feel pretty easy to just put the power outside of us and say “this happened to us”, making ourselves a victim. When in reality, we need to take responsibility for our part in that situation.

So when we take responsibility for creating a situation, even if that situation isn’t ideal, then we give ourselves the power to change things.

And when we’re empowering ourselves to change our situation, then we can really step into our higher self and start to make an impact in the world. Starting to ask ourselves questions like:

What would actually make the biggest difference for this person?

When we’re looking to serve someone, we’re not trying to please them or give them what we think they will like. We need to give them what they really need. What will really make a difference in their life. This is profound service, which leads to wealth and fulfillment.

HW + Action Steps!

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