Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #9

Thanks for showing up and rocking it in week 9! You. Are. Awesome.

Below are some of our favorite talking points from this week’s call. You can also catch up with the MP3 recording if you missed it.

Talking Point #1: Introspection + expansion = clarity

Clarity is the foundation; there’s little point committing to something unless we know *why* we’re doing it. We need to ask ourselves what we want to achieve, and then think about the why(s) behind that intention.

Clarity comes from introspection, but also from action. And we mean *new* action at that. Pilar Gerasimo says that we expand and clarify when we kick it with new tribes (just like we’re doing here in the Inner Circle). So as well as taking some alone time to figure out what’s going on inside, we wanna branch out and do things we’ve never done before (with people who are new to us). Getting out of our comfort zones and seeing how it feels is a great way of getting clear on what works for us and what doesn’t.

Talking Point #2: “You ain’t crazy; you’re just afraid of change.”

Letting go of who we currently are is scary. Our present identities consist of everything we are and everything we’ve ever known; to grow would mean losing all of that.  So when we’re feeling stuck and out of sorts, it’s not because we’re crazy. We’re just scared of change. It’s natural.

However, if we would just allow ourselves to loosen our grip on our current reality and go with the flow, we’d be able to grow. Remember; our current selves aren’t who we ultimately want to be, otherwise we wouldn’t be on this journey.

Talking Point #3: It’s OK to be sad

Often, when we’re feeling low, we think we need to be fixed. We want someone to pull us out of our funk, or we seek to do things that are gonna lift us up. That’s alright, but what if it was OK to just be sad for a little while? What if it didn’t mean we needed fixing, but that we’re simply living a full life?

We don’t always need people to cheer us up; we need people to empathize. If we don’t already have people in our day-to-day lives that we can check in with, people we know will let us be ourselves without judgment, then there’s always the Inner Circle Facebook group, which is full of awesome peeps just like us who are ready and willing to connect and relate.

HW + Action Steps!

As always, let’s keep the discussion going on Facebook! Also, if you have any big ideas you wanna share on Twitter, use the hashtag #Sensophy to do so.