Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 91

Big Idea #1: The Power of Energetic Communication

When we communicate – whether it’s a client, a potential client, our boss, partner, or whoever – there are a few levels of communication that happen. There is the level of our actual words, the content of what we’re saying – and then there’s the energetic level of what we’re saying. Sometimes, the words you’re saying don’t even matter as much as the energetic message.

So really, instead of overthinking what to do or say, realize that it’s often way more important to notice what sort of energy you’re emitting when you communicate with someone. For example, if you’re speaking to a potential client – your words won’t matter at all if you’re emitting a needy, desperate energy that’s going to ultimately repel them.

On the other hand, if you can approach the conversation with an attitude that the results do not determine your self-worth and you don’t NEED them – then there’s an entirely different message being sent.
It’s freeing, really! Because you can actually stop THINKING about what to say, and just focus on getting in alignment with what feels good and authentic and honoring to yourself and who you’re speaking with. From there, deep and heart-centered communication is possible.

Big Idea #2: Energy Management – NOT Time Management!

There is a misconception – people think that time management is important.

What REALLY matters is managing our energy. You could have all the time in the world, but without energy, it doesn’t matter!

We have 4 types of energy:

Mental energy – ability to focus

Emotional energy – quality of our focus

Physical energy – quantity of our energy

Spiritual energy – purpose, the reason that we use all the other energies

So let’s start to be really conscious of our energy. When is your energy at its peak, and what sort of high-leverage tasks are best to do at that point?

Multi-tasking actually lowers your IQ more than smoking weed! You will have way more power putting your full energy into a task for one hour, than spending 8 hours at partial engagement on the same task – and you’ll feel way better as well.

What’s the #1 thing that if you did it, would get you the CLOSEST to your optimal situation?
Do that thing first thing in the morning.

Big Idea #3: Being Open to Learn

Are you allowing someone else’s words or behaviors to dictate your self-worth? Do you find yourself swaying back and forth every time someone approves of you, hires you, or gives you praise? If your self-worth is based on an external opinion or behavior, this isn’t going to set you up for showing up the way you probably want to in the world.

Next time you receive a less-than-favorable response from someone – stop in your tracks. Instead of making it about you, just ask yourself, “Am I open to learning something from this?”

Chances are you, you just need to tweak a few things in order to completely change the outcome of that situation. It doesn’t make you a bad person or a “failure” – it’s just data for you to work with. It just means you have an opportunity to learn something and create something even better.

Think of yourself as a detective, using this data to effectively create a situation with an even better outcome.

Resources Mentioned on This Call:

Interview with Tony Schwarz (co-author of The Power of Full Engagement)

The Power of Full Engagement (Amazon)

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group.