Sensophy’s Inner Circle – Week 92

Big Idea #1: Navigating New Relationships

If you’ve just gotten out of a long relationship or marriage, it can be very confusing, exciting and turbulent to be back in the dating world and learning how to navigate your feelings and connections with new people. You might have one part of you that wants to go out and start meeting lots of new people, and there might be another part of you that’s uncertain of how to navigate this all… whether it’s right to jump in right away, etc.

One thing to recognize is that there was a specific need in your past relationship that wasn’t being met – and now you have a chance to get that need met. So rather than just getting caught up in the excitement of this new situation, you can maintain this awareness while you navigate new territory.
So what scares you? Are you nervous about falling head over heels for someone new? Sometimes when we jump into a new relationship, we get so excited that it can come across as a bit needy – especially when we’re coming from a past relationship, and looking for our life to be better. Relationships can be one of the biggest catalysts for growth, so embrace the experience and watch yourself change through it!

Big Idea #2: Your Definition of Success

We’ve all got stories – about money, dating, success, who we “should” be… so in this work, we’re bringing light to these stories and questioning them. We’re asking whether these stories are actually serving us. Are we using these stories because they elevate us to our highest self – or because it’s what we’ve grown up learning?

What does success mean for you? If you’re holding onto a story about success, or anything else, that’s been ingrained in you from childhood – really ASK yourself – is this story serving my highest well-being? Am I able to rise up to my highest potential as long as I buy into this story and use it as framework for my life?
If the answer is no, it’s probably time to let go of this story. This is why we have our community of support – to help you write new stories that support your highest good and help you create the life you’re meant to live.

Big Idea #3: Creating Community

When we’re surrounded by powerful community for so long, such as at a Bali retreat or similar event, we probably leave that wanting to bring this type of community back to our “real” life. So how can we create communities that continue the growth? Often, you need to be the one to step up and get a community set up, if this is what you envision! Chances are, other people are going to crave the same type of heart-centered community as you are.

If you’re a coach, you can create group programs that will bring like-minded people together to connect and support each other. Get creative with different ways you can bring people together, serve and create community – whether online or in-person.

Let’s connect!

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