Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #23

Talking Point #1: Building a Healthy Relationship with Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a part of life… this is a fact! If we could always predict what’s going to happen in life, it would be pretty boring indeed. So learning how to deal with reasonable uncertainty will greatly improve your quality of life… in fact, the two are directly related!

Now, this doesn’t mean you should go out and gamble your entire paycheck on a game of roulette at the casino- this is unreasonable uncertainty! But learning to become comfortable with reasonable uncertainty will help reduce anxiety in your life.

Rocking the fundamentals in your life is a super way to build the “muscle” that deals with uncertainty. Whatever your positive daily habits and rituals are, rocking them will help you show up at your best for others and deal with fear and uncertainty in a healthy way. But sometimes, it’s easy to stick our hand in the fire and go for that instant gratification! Ever spend the day vegging out with movies and ice cream because it felt easier than facing uncertainty or challenge? Um, hi, you’re not alone! Shit happens! So don’t beat yourself up or feel shame around these times. Just pick yourself up and rock those fundamentals as soon as you can.

Talking Point #2: Stepping Forward Into Growth

Oftentimes in life, we find ourselves on the cusp of something great! But often, just when we reach that transition point, it feels just plain terrifying to take the leap into that next level! Feel me on this? You’re not alone.

With every every opportunity in life, you have the choice to either step forward into growth or backward into safety. If you think of a 0 – 10 scale, with 0 being your comfort zone and 10 being ultimate growth, every choice you make will either move you up or down a mark. The cool thing is, each step really takes you 2 steps from where you would have been otherwise! So making the conscious choice to challenge yourself and grow is really significant, and is gonna take you a whole lot closer to where your best self can be.

Talking Point #3: Authenticity

Whether you’re starting your own business, going up in front of an audience or cultivating meaningful relationships in your life, authenticity is super key. Being authentic helps people relate to you because it humanizes you, and validates them! Authenticity is a moment-to-moment thing. You always have the chance to just be yourself in any given moment, and chances are, it will have great results.

A great way to practice being authentic is to think about the sentence, “If you really knew me, you would know ________.” What would you put in that blank? What truth comes from deep inside you? It might feel a little awkward or uncomfortable at first to put yourself out there so much, but people want to feel more connected to you. Let your personality shine! If you’re naturally fun and bubbly, don’t hide it! Connection is the key to helping change lives and it starts with us being our true authentic selves as much as we possibly can.

HW + Action Steps!

As always, we’d love for you to share your personal favorite takeaways in the private Facebook group, and let’s keep up these awesome connections!