Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, April 5th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Creating vs. Finding Your Purpose

We often hear about “finding your purpose” – and this can feel really frustrating, when it seems like our purpose is constantly eluding us! But really, it’s about creating your purpose! Creating your purpose means checking in with your core values – what really matters to you – and designing a life in alignment with them.

Meaning is something that’s inherent to human beings. We uniquely interpret the world through meaning, and this is why we want to have a purpose. What we need to realize is that it’s up to us to CHOOSE what our purpose is – it’s not about going out and searching for it.

You get to choose what your purpose is. And there’s a distinction between purpose and mission: your mission is your current expression of your purpose. So while your mission may change, and you may find various ways to express your purpose, your purpose is the underlying motivation for why you do what you do. 

Big Idea #2: Expectations vs. Agreements

There’s a big difference between expectations and agreements. Expectations always leave us disappointed, or satisfied at best. But agreements give us a sense of creation and excitement.

When we have expectations around a job, and these expectations go differently than we thought, we are often disappointed. But when we set agreements instead of expectations, then we know that we’ll be on the same page, and we won’t end up out of alignment with what we wanted.

Agreements give us the power to say what we want, and make that clear to other people in a job or relationship. This creates the space for us to experience happiness and freedom, rather than the disappointment that comes with expectations.

Big Idea #3: Trust Comes From Breath

Security comes from your breath. Trust – the trust to go out into uncertainty – comes from your breath. When you freak out – it’s because you’re not connected to your breath. We lose ourselves when we lose our breath.

So take your power back, away from the old stories going on in your head. It’s imprisoning and confining to be stuck inside these thoughts – so choose another reality! Choose to step away from these thoughts, and connect back to your breath.

Trust doesn’t happen in the mind. Trust comes from the body – it’s a gut feeling. Looking for trust in the mind, is looking for it in the wrong place! When we’re not breathing, or connected to our breath – we can’t find trust, because we’re not connected to our body.

Let’s connect!

Stay connected throughout the week in the Facebook group!!!