Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, May 17th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: The Power of Commitment

The power of commitment is in what you say no to, not what you say yes to. The power of commitment is measured by what you say no to, much more than what you say yes to.

If you’re committed to being in the best shape of your life, the powerful commitment is saying no to certain foods, saying no to staying up late, saying no to wine, etc.

In other instances, accomplishing certain goals is kind of like peeing. It’s a sense of relief and it’s a release, but it’s not a prolonged experience of happiness. And then we rest, and we’re thinking about the next thing. It’s a never ending cycle. The point of a goal is in who you become in the process of achieving it. The point of a goal is to enjoy the process of achieving it, more than the outcome of the results. And the real moments of transformation are in the discomfort. 

When you do what you say, what you say becomes powerful. When you don’t do what you say, what you say becomes not so powerful. 


Big Idea #2: The Ability to Surrender

Often times, when we surrender our need to control and trust that we are taken care of, things work out better.

But being able to surrender requires coming from a place of trust. A place of abundance. You create and take action from that place. When you come from a place of trust, you get more trust.

Often times when we feel fear, we try to get rid of it. When you’re in a situation that’s very fearful, trying to get rid of the fear is like trying to slam on the brakes when you’re going 80 miles an hour. It’s not the most helpful thing. Instead you can learn to channel it, to move it, to drive it, to steer it, where you want it to go.

Maybe the key is not that it’s going to be ok, that it already is ok. It’s already ok right now. Welcome the discomfort. Thank it for being here. Surrender to the moment of what is.

Big Idea #3: Being Human


There’s still the reality of being human. Everyone is at a different point in their lives. One book isn’t right for everyone. One inner circle call isn’t right for everyone. You’ll get your bits and pieces, but we’re all at our own place. We read the right book at the right time. Or we have a conversation with someone who can really see us and reflect back to us. Each one of us is different and we’re all human. 

Let’s connect!

Stay connected throughout the week in the Facebook group!!!