Another great IC call this week packed with great ideas! 🙂

Head this way to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, July 13 at 5pm/EST. Catch ya there!!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Checking In With Your Gut

You know when you’re trying to figure out the best or “right” thing to do in a situation? Does it ever feel overwhelming, going over all of the options in your head, analyzing the situation from all angles? It can make you feel crazy, right?!

Slow down! Let yourself get out of your head. And check in with your GUT.

Checking in with your gut is finding the voice of deeper wisdom within. This voice comes in moments when we’re not obsessing in our head, overanalyzing… the voice often comes in when we’re doing something “in flow” – like exercising, coaching, or whatever gets us out of our head and into our body. This is the time when you let go of outside opinions, and slow down to go INWARDS and listen for direction. What does your gut tell you is right?

And if you check into your gut, and are met with a feeling of uncertainty – remember that uncertainty isn’t a bad thing! You can keep inquiring into this place of wisdom to try and go deeper and find answers and direction. Ultimately, your gut and inner wisdom KNOWS what’s best for you and what will serve your highest good.

Big Idea #2: Be Proactive, Not Reactive!

Oftentimes, people will stay in a dead-end job or unhappy situation, until the pressure becomes SO bad that they HAVE to leave it! They are REacting to a negative situation, rather than creating what they really want in their life.

If this happens to you, feel grateful that you finally got the message and the catalyst for positive change – even if it took some pain to get there. But ideally, we don’t want to reach this point in the pressure cooker! Part of creating an ideal life is learning to identify when that pressure is coming, BEFORE it becomes painful. Learning how to create our life in a way that serves us, without the painful pressure that pushes us out of a situation that doesn’t align with our inner truth.

So what can we do to CREATE rather than react? Take PROactive choices to create your life, rather than waiting until our circumstances become so bad that you’re forced to REact to them. Self-knowledge is a huge part of creating your ideal life – if you know what you value, it’s a lot easier to put yourself in situations and surround yourself with people that uplift your highest self.

Big Idea #3: Dealing With Regrets

Regret is never a fun emotion to experience. It’s basically wishing that you had the information that you currently have now – in the past. When we regret things, we’re basically saying to ourselves, “Why didn’t I have future information?!”

So when you think about it… having regrets is a bit ridiculous, because we can never expect to know something from the future!

So what’s a healthier way to deal with a situation where we might feel regret? First of all, ask yourself how you can accept the current situation the way that it is. It’s often uncomfortable to get to this place, but ultimately – life works out they way it is meant to, and accepting that will bring you to a place of peace.

THEN, use the wisdom that you’ve learned from the situation! You can use what you’ve learned in a few ways: embody it and use this for yourself, and also use it to help other people around you. We may not *love* the way things turn out sometimes…  but we can ALWAYS learn something from that event to create a more ideal future.

BONUS: Check out these interviews from Quadruple Your Coaching Biz!

This week, we wanted to share with you some of our favorite interviews from the Quadruple Your Coaching Business symposium, that will give you some super relevant wisdom for your biz and life!

Once you open the interview, right-click “Save As” and the file will start downloading to your computer!

Michelle Bauman – “Money, Money, Money (understanding & overcoming money fear) 

  • How to find and get over your money issues (fears, limiting-beliefs, and financial-barriers)
  • The blind-spot fears that stops people from making larger proposals
  • The right thing to do when your ideal client says “I can’t afford your coaching”

Michael Neill– “How to use *spirit* to double your income”

  • Why people are confused about “financial freedom” (and how to achieve it)
  • The biggest mental-blocks of making more money (and how to overcome them)
  • How Michael shifted his consciousness to grow his business exponentially

Christina Berkley – “How to enroll higher paying clients”

  • How to enroll 6-month and 1-year clients (step by step)
  • How to coach millionaires and people who inspire/scare you
  • How to let go of what’s currently working to create something even better

JP Morgan – “From $20,000 to $200,000 in 2 years” 

  • How John went from earning $20,000/year to $200,000/year in just 2 years
  • How to get your client to show up powerfully
  • How to do “adventure coaching” (ex: in hot-air balloons, complete darkness, crazy trip)

Stephen McGhee – “Creating a coaching ‘adventure’ project” 

  • How Stephen created, enrolled, and led a project taking 6 people to the summit of a mountain
  • How to manage your own exhaustion and still be able to coach (even when you’re weak)
  • How to use “metaphor” as a way to bridge the outside and inside journey

Let’s connect!

Let us know your favorite interview and your top take-aways in the Facebook group – and be sure to share how you plan to implement this wisdom into your business/life!! 🙂