Wow, we’ve made it to 100 calls! That’s CRAZY! 🙂

It’s because of YOU that we’ve done it, so thanks for making the Inner Circle everything that it is!!

And now we’ve got some more great IC wisdom comin atcha…

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, August 3 at 5pm/EST. Mark it down!! 🙂

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Feeling Awkward… and Going for it Anyway!

Awkward situations are definitely uncomfortable, we’re not going to lie. It can be really tempting, when you feel awkward, to just run away and not take action. Because moving through the awkwardness feels painful! How much easier to just turn the other direction and forget about it all?! But the FACT is – without moving through awkwardness, we’re not going to reach growth and transformation.

Guess what: Awkwardness IS the path! If we tell ourselves, “well if something feels awkward, I’m not going to do it…” then we won’t grow much in our life! One way to get through awkwardness is super simple: Tell the truth! When you stop making it all about you, and just speak what’s on your heart – it might feel awkward at first, but ultimately it is the ONLY path that will lead to your growth and freedom.

Big Idea #2: Let Go of “Credibility” – just HELP!

It can be easy to feel like an imposter when we’re putting ourselves out there with our projects or business, thinking “who am I to share this with the world?” Or, “who’s going to listen to what I have to say?” So try to think of yourself as a “sharing student” – someone who is passionately sharing what you’re learning with the rest of the world.

This notion of “credibility” comes up for many coaches, teachers, leaders, and all kinds of professionals… this thought that you need a certain certification or defined level of expertise in order to help people. But in reality, this is sort of a “shadow procrastination” – it’s preventing you from just getting OUT there and HELPING!

When you shift to a results-based orientation, rather than “credibility” mindset, the new question to ask is: “How can I help?” If you’re passionate enough about helping people who need it, then you realize that you don’t necessarily need certification or credibility, you just need to give what you’ve got! If ultimately, your goal is to make a difference in someone’s life – all you need is yourself and the gifts you already possess.

Big Idea #3: When We Grow Apart From Old Friends

We know that we change throughout our lives – and we also keep in touch with old friends from our past. But we don’t always resonate with them in the ways that we used to. It’s great to keep these old connections and friendships, but what about when we’re going to be spending lots of time with people who don’t really support our new state of growth?

If you find yourself in a situation with people who may not understand your new way of living, just remember why you’re really there. Are you supporting one friend in the group? Or what other reason do you have for spending time here? Keep that in mind as you prioritize your self-care. It’s so important to keep your non-negotiables and your self-care as your top priority, so if you find yourself around people who don’t support your highest good, it’s especially important to remember what these things are – and to be accountable to them!

Resources from this call:

Check out the Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler!

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.