Yet another awesome week of IC goodness right here!!

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, August 10 at 5pm/EST. Mark it down!! 🙂

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Addiction is Rooted in Shame

If you desire to help someone who’s been going through addiction, you can help them to THRIVE (and not just survive!) in their life by giving them permission to open up, and by understanding more about what’s deeply going on for them.

Addiction is rooted in shame. It’s so difficult to talk about shame, that some people would almost rather die than talk about the feeling of not being enough.

If you’re working with someone who would benefit from working through their shame, you need to share and open up first. When you’re willing to share in a way that other people aren’t, sharing your shame, it means that people will be able to connect to you in a way that they normally can’t with others. When you make it “okay” and give permission for the other person to be human, they’ll feel safe to share and move through their own shame.
Basically, when you let down your guard and get vulnerable, you’ll draw people to you by giving them a safe space to share who they really are.

Big Idea #2: To Share or Not to Share?

You know that feeling when you want to post something on social media, but you’re just not sure if it’s the right thing to share, or the right time, or the right… whatever?

Well think of it this way: What would make this NOT worth sharing?

Got an answer for that? Now: What would make this worth sharing?

There’s a good chance that one of your answers to those may have something to do with providing something valuable to people. You may find something worth sharing it if provides something useful or helpful to your community. But how about this: What if it’s valuable to just ONE person? What if that was your standard for providing value: one person at a time?

Are you willing to share something, without being 100% sure beforehand that it will be valuable to someone? Remember that it’s not your job to work out whether what you have to say is going to be valuable to exactly the right people! Trust that your message will find the people who need to hear it, and that making a difference for just one person is a great reason to express your truth to the world.

Big Idea #3: The Way We Love

How can we create the most loving and nurturing relationships with the people we love? We have to allow the people we’re close to, to be who they really are, and experience what they’re experiencing – even if that makes us feel uncomfortable! If we love someone and they’re having a bad day, we may want to “make everything better”, but that’s really just like not accepting the way that they feel right now.
Oftentimes, the way someone needs to be loved isn’t necessarily the way that we want to love them. Similarly, we often need to be loved differently than someone may want to love us. This is why it’s so important to express what we need, and to be open to hearing what’s really going on for the one we love – and to understand what they need to be loved exactly as they are.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.