Thanks for joining us for awesome week of IC goodness!

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, August 17 at 5pm/EST. Mark it down, and we’ll see you there!! 🙂

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Closing the Gap

Most of us are pretty interested in living an idealized version of our life, or the life we see other people living! We tell ourselves… “if only I had the freedom to travel… the business where I got paid to do what I love… to live in alignment with my purpose, and be in love with my ideal partner… my life would be perfect!”

But there is more than what meets the eye. There’s a TON of stuff going on beneath the surface that supports that kind of life that we see others living from the outside.

The truth is, right now, you’re closing the gap between where you are, and where you want to be. You’re not lost or totally off track… you’re just not “there” quite yet, because you’re learning exactly what you need to learn, in order to be the person who can live the life you’re dreaming of. Don’t try to rush the process! Instead, go to your edge day after day, get uncomfortable, grow and realize that each of these steps is taking you closer to your ideal self.

If you had what you wanted RIGHT NOW, you might not be able to handle it! Allowing yourself to experience the challenges that lead to growth, will create a sustainable way for you to maintain your ideal life!

Big Idea #2: State vs. Stage

A “state” and a “stage” are two completely different things, both super important to the process of creating our ideal life.

A state is an inspired feeling you have… it’s that flow of energy that gets you buzzing, feeling great and motivated to create change….

A stage is a certain period of your life. In a stage of your life, you take that state and integrate it – making it a normal part of your life.

This is why it’s important not to idealize a future version of your life, and desire for that to happen NOW. You need to integrate the skills and consciousness in order to sustain that way of being! When you learn to integrate your inspired state into the stage of your life, you’ll have the sustainable foundation to maintain a higher level of being, and to grow more from there.

Big Idea #3: Follow Your Heart, But Bring Your Head

Guess what: your head and heart speak totally different languages! So instead of getting totally confused trying to follow both, you have to make a decision: are you going to follow your heart, or your head? Here’s a hint: Living a fulfilling life means allowing your heart to lead your life’s direction, and bringing the head along to provide guidance.

Here’s a good question to distinguish between following the head or the heart:

Would you rather be fulfilled and have to make hard decisions?

Or would you rather be unfulfilled and have to make easy decisions?

It’s pretty clear which is following the heart, vs. head…

Following your heart means fulfillment, but facing challenging choices and breaking through your comfort zone again and again. Make the choice for yourself, and remember: following the heart path takes courage, and the ultimate reward is living in full alignment with who you really are.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.