It’s been another great week of IC goodness up in here!

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, August 24 at 5pm/EST. Excited to jam w/ you there! 🙂

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Separating Friendship from Coaching

If you’re a coach, you may have the opportunity to coach a friend, or even start a coaching relationship with that friend. But at times, your friend may have some reservations or nervousness about engaging in a coaching conversation with you, because they feel like it might make things “weird” with your friendship in some way. So what to do in this situation?

First of all, have an open and authentic conversation with your friend about what’s going on for them. Once they have the space to express what’s going on for them, this may dissolve some of the issues.

Another great idea is to create an agreement together that says something like this:

The moment that you feel you aren’t getting everything you want and more from this coaching relationship, TELL me so I can readjust and we can figure out how to get you what you need. And if there comes a point where that’s not happening, I’m happy to end the coaching relationship so you can get what you need in a different way.

Having clear agreements is essential to protect your friendship and create clear boundaries between friendship and coaching. Putting communication first will ensure that your friend feels safe in your coaching relationship, and able to get everything they want from the experience!

Big Idea #2: Getting Clear on What to Work On

As creative people, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to figure out which projects to work on and when – and what’s going to ultimately uplevel your biz! One good strategy is to work on two projects simultaneously: one that has a long-term vision, and one with a more immediate vision.

And here’s something powerful (and simple!) to remember: there is a direct correlation between the amount of people that you talk with who are interested in coaching, and the amount of clients you get. So the most important thing you can do to grow your coaching biz, is to get into conversations with people who are interested in coaching, or people who need help with something going on in their life! (Makes sense, right?!)

So really, instead of planning your next workshop or webinar, the most helpful thing for your biz may be to just get out there and start talking to people to see how you can help! And guess what: as soon as your start serving people and just being as helpful as possible… they’ll be banging down your door to see how they can work with you!

Big Idea #3: Feeling Resentment? Become a Creator!

Resentment can feel like a negative emotion and experience that makes us feel like a victim, say things like “why me!!” and basically prevents us from taking positive action in our lives. But shift this around, and realize that anytime you feel resentment, you are really experiencing this amazing opportunity to make a shift from a victim to a creator of your life.

When you’re feeling resentment or displeasure with your current situation, you are standing on the very powerful chance to shift from a victim attitude of “why me” to a CREATION mindset – where you do something to actually create the life that you want.

So really, this so-called negative emotion is actually in service for you to create something great in your life! This “negative” emotion is actually a vision in disguise, if you’re self-aware enough to pay attention to it. It’s showing you something you deeply desire that you haven’t taken action on to the capacity that you’re inspired to take action on it! So next time you feel resentment and feel tempted to fall into victim mode, switch it around and use it to spur you into getting more into alignment with what matters to you, and creating the life you really desire.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.