It’s been yet another great incredible of IC goodness around here!

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, September 29 at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Happiness Can Be Glamorized

Do you ever feel like you “need” to feel happy all the time, or to have more fun in your life? Here’s the thing: there’s this glamorization of happiness in our society. We put “happiness” on a pedestal –  and as a result, we often feel shame around feeling unhappy.

If we feel bad about feeling bad, then we don’t allow ourselves to be REAL! This becomes a vicious cycle, perpetuating the feelings over and over. 

We need to give ourselves permission to be human! If we want to feel emotion, we need to give ourselves permission to feel it all. Repression only leads to depression! When we push a feeling away that we don’t want to feel, we end up feeling worse in the long run. So of course, aim to feel good in your life – but allow yourself to fully experience the spectrum of emotion. 

Big Idea #2: From “Headspace” to Flow

When we’re trying to figure out the best next step in our life, we often feel like we need to be in the right headspace to do it. But what does that really mean? Are we really going to “figure out” the next step in our head?

How about this: instead of being stuck in your head, get yourself into movement and flow. Just start taking action, and trust that when you do that, a deeper source of wisdom will arise. Maybe movement means you just start heading in one direction… or maybe it means you get outside, go for a run and get your body in motion. Whatever movement and flow means to you, trust that when you get into THAT space, the HEAD space will take care of itself.

Big Idea #3: Living Your Message

What does it mean to live your message? Does that require a whole lot of energy that you may not have at the moment? What can you do when you may not feel the energy to supercharge into your purpose on a daily basis?

Ask yourself this: what will it take for you to feel more energized, so you can align with your message and live it fully? 

Do the thing that your heart knows it wants to do… without triple guessing it. Go for the thing that inspires you most, without compromising either your body OR your soul. Following your heart and soul may take a huge amount of dedication and energy, but ultimately, being true to your soul will benefit your whole self. Honor your body and your soul together, listening to what you really need WHILE getting on the path your soul is asking for.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.