So much soulful goodness happening in the IC this week. 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, October 6th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Vulnerability Creates Connection

One of the biggest things that many people crave in life is deep connection and love. So often, we put on a mask to appear the way we think people want us to be – because we want connection and love. But paradoxically, this is a barrier to that – because the mask pushes people away!

When we lower our barrier, show who we really are and what’s really going on for us… when we reveal the things that we don’t want others to see, for fear of rejection… they feel MORE connected to us.

This is counterintuitive! We often think that people will disconnect from us when we show them what we perceive to be uncomfortable – but in reality, the opposite happens. When we show who we really are, we allow others to connect to us in a deeper way.

Big Idea #2: The Power of Speaking From Your Heart

When we get into conflicts with people, it can feel really easy to either get up into our head about it or physically get away from the situation. But let’s look at a way more powerful tool to deal with conflict (or any situation we encounter in life): speaking from the heart.

Whether we’re going for a new job, dealing with conflicts in a romantic relationship, family issues, or anything else… when we open our heart and speak from a vulnerable and deeply authentic place, we’re able to connect with people in a completely different way, show up in an empowered way and feel and speak our truth.

And if you speak from your heart and someone doesn’t accept you – that’s GREAT. You then know that this isn’t a person or situation you need to be involved with in your life. Remember that when you open your heart, you give other people permission to show up in the world fully authentically as well.

When we embrace our vulnerabilities and our humanity, we really experience a deep connection with ourselves, with others and with a greater power, giving ourselves the opportunity to live life in a deeply connected and empowered way.

Big Idea #3: Redefining Your Relationship With Money

We never took a class in school to help us learn about wealth consciousness. (Wouldn’t that have been nice?!) Most of us grew up with all kinds of “money stories”, developing this intense charge around the topic of money…and so much superstition attached to money and what it means about us!

Let’s be honest: There are So. Many. Fears. Around. Money!

And so as a society, we’ve collectively allowed ourselves to use lack of money as a justification of our insecurities. We’ve learned to mask the real fear (putting ourselves out there, getting out of our comfort zone, jumping into growth) with this “lack of money” story. It’s so easy to use the excuse of “not having enough money” to get ourselves out of taking big risks, putting ourselves out there into the world and transforming our lives.

So a huge part of creating an optimal life is: redefining our relationship with money.

Money is just a physical representation of value. One dollar = 1 unit of value. That’s it! No need for all the stories, attachments and superstitions. When someone puts more value (money) towards something in their life, they value that thing more. You can use this principle in pricing your services or just in beginning to redefine your relationship with money in a way that gives you more freedom and space to take risks and embrace your growth.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.