It’s been another great week of IC goodness and connection! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, October 13th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Beating Instant Gratification

When you’re starting your own business, it can be tough to strike a balance between self-care and getting stuff done – especially when it seems like all the entrepreneurs are constantly hustling their butts off!  

Remember this: YOU are the greatest asset to your biz. So the level of consciousness you bring to your biz will have a direct result on what you create.

If you’re in constant hustle mode, you may see some quick results in the short term… but you’re going to experience major stress and burnout in the long term.

So ask yourself this: What self-care practice would serve you most for your life and biz?

If you wanna change the results that you’re getting, you need to change the system that you’re using to get those results.

That might look like bringing exercise into your daily routine… or it might look like staying off of email and social media until after you’ve worked out or meditated.

How can you stay in creative mode, and out of reactive mode? How can you choose the things you put your attention on?

When we bring a sustainable, grounded practice into our lives, we build the resilience to beat instant gratification that will ultimately take us away from our goals.

Big Idea #2: Aiming High? Dig Deep!

When we’re aiming to build something great in our life, it can be really tempting to look up towards the sky in the direction we wanna go. But this actually isn’t the most effective way to create something great – because we need the roots to hold it all up!

Instead of trying to build up in the sky… look down. The way to prepare for creating something BEYOND what you’ve currently created… is to go deep and build the foundations to sustain it.

If you wanna know how tall they can build a skyscraper, look at how deep they build the foundation. The same goes for our life!

What are the systems that will build a solid foundation in your life, so you can show up the way you desire to?

This might look like committing to a grounding morning practice of exercise and meditation, a habit of clean eating, or whatever else makes up the fundamentals of your optimal life. Whatever those things are, it’s commitment to them over the long-term that’s going to set you up for great success.

Big Idea #3: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

If we wanna live an optimal life, we need to look closely at a very important question:

What are the things that energize us, and what are the things that deplete us?

And how can we spend more time doing things that energize us, and less time doing things that deplete us?

Obviously, there are going to be things that come up in life that aren’t necessarily the most energizing for us. But if a particular task depletes you – look and see if you can outsource or delegate that thing. Minimizing the energy drains in your life will increase your overall productivity and impact in the long run!

Which brings us to:

Efficiency vs effectiveness.

Efficiency is doing things better, while effectiveness is doing things that actually matter.

In other words – it doesn’t matter if you’re doing things better… if those things don’t even need to be done at all!

So ask yourself this: What are the things that are actually worth doing?

Resources from this call:

Check out The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss for an incredible amount of wisdom on creating your ideal life, and getting super clear on how to do the things that will actually make a difference for you:

–> The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.