Thanks for joining us for another great week in the IC! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, October 27th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Creating Powerful Relationships

One of the most important factors for the quality of our life is the quality of our relationships. When we surround ourselves with people who inspire us and lift us up, we’re able to solidify the positive changes we want to make in our life.

So how can we create these nourishing relationships, even if we don’t necessarily live in a community where it’s easy to find these people?

First of all, begin to embody the qualities that really matter to you. Think about the people you admire, and what qualities they have – then BECOME that yourself.

Secondly, set up support and accountability with people through communities such as this one! Virtual or phone relationships can have just as big an impact as in-person. Set up accountability partners or masterminds with people who really light you up.

Third, reach out to some people who feel like a stretch for you – people who are a few steps ahead down the path. When you open yourself up to connect with people who are rocking it in life, you’re going to open up the possibility for an amazing new reality.

Big Idea #2: Home Run Goals

What would it look like if you challenged your notion of reality on a regular basis?

Home run goals are goals that really have you swing for the fences. They are a HUGE stretch – and you might not quite make it (or maybe you will!) – but the point is to stretch yourself as much as possible.

When we set ourselves up to stretch and play with our current notion of reality, we’re able to see outside of where we currently are and explore new possibilities. So set up an accountability partner to check in with weekly Home Run Goals! Our community has plenty of people who would love to play with these awesome experiments in optimal living!

Big Idea #3: Sacred Identity

Have you ever felt introverted or insecure when it comes to explaining your projects and big dreams to other people?

Remember that on your journey, you are shifting your identity from who you were, to who you are becoming. And this transition phase is very vulnerable and mold-able – in this space, it can be difficult to share what you’re up to, because you’re still solidifying yourself in your new identity.

It’s natural for this time to feel quite fragile, as you step into your new sacred identity. When you come into a situation that feels vulnerable in this way, just ask yourself: “What would make this a success for me?” Give yourself love and compassion as you step into your powerful new identity.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.

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