It’s been another great week of soulful wisdom in the IC – thanks for being part of it! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, November 10th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Owning Your Experience

Have you ever had someone that you really trust, betray your trust or confidence? Sometimes, even people in our life who have our best interests at heart, may act in ways that hurt us deeply.

It’s always best to be open and honest when you feel hurt by someone – and to do it in a way that owns your experience of it.

So what does this mean? Basically, rather than attacking the for doing a certain thing or being a certain way, you just own your personal experience of what happened – how you felt.

“When this happened, I felt ______.”

This is a non-threatening way to bring up what happened, and to express to that person how you feel about it.

Remember that sometimes, people in our life really do want what’s best for us – but we may not resonate with the ideas they have for what we should do. Instead of blowing up or getting angry, you can explore the difference that exists there between you and this person – and explore what it is that’s frustrating you. Usually, there is a hidden value of yours that’s not being met or honored – and this is what’s creating the frustration.

Big Idea #2: Impossible Goals

Why would you set an “impossible” goal for yourself?

Here’s a hint: we don’t really set impossible goals so that we can achieve them.

We set them so that we become the person who can go for that goal. THIS is the reward of the goal – the transformation that happens in its pursuit.

Who do you need to become in the process of going for this goal, that it’s actually the reward of the goal pursued?

The gold comes in the wisdom gained in the process of going for the goal, and the transformative process of who you become – the real treasure isn’t even in the actual outcome itself!

Of course, you want to set a goal you would love to achieve… but ultimately, know that it is the journey towards the goal, and who you will become, that are the ultimate rewards of setting a super-high, “impossible” goal.

Big Idea #3: Dealing With Fear

How do we deal with fear when it comes up in our lives?

Fear comes up when we’re stuck in mental mode, trying to “figure” everything out in our head. It comes from being stuck in the past or obsessed about a future that we can’t control.

If you presence yourself completely to this moment, you will feel no fear. Mindfulness practices that bring you into this very moment will help to eradicate fear from your emotional awareness.

The way to create a better life moment-to-moment is by staying completely present – not by trying to plan everything out.

“Confusion is being in both the past and the future at the same time”!

As we are aware, in this very moment, we open ourselves up to the best possible opportunities that could exist – that we could have no way to be aware of if we were stuck in the past or the future.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.