Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, December 8th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Changing Our Environment

Being in a supportive environment is crucial to our happiness. We can try to work with our current set of circumstances, if our environment isn’t supporting us – but at a certain point, we need to recognize when it’s time to change where we’re at If we can recognize the kinds of environments that support us, then we’re going to set ourselves up for a greater level of well-being. 

We have the power to make whatever changes we need or want in our life! And when you zone in on your core values, and honor them, you can put yourself in environments that allow you to live with those more easily. What are the most important values that you require in your life to thrive? Make sure that the place you’re at fulfills those needs, and if it doesn’t – make a change!

Big Idea #2: Seeking Validation

The more you look for validation from other people, the less likely you are to get it. And the less you seek validation, the more likely you are to get it! When we energetically need validation from outside, it generally repels people away from giving it – but when we validate ourselves, we project an energy that attracts others to us. 

So if you find yourself feeling needy for validation, ask yourself, “can I be conscious of the part of me that’s craving them to validate my worthiness? And can I have an intention to not bring that part of me into this experience with them?” How can you love yourself enough to validate yourself, so that you don’t need to search for something outside yourself? Remember: you always have the opportunity to own the experience you’re having.

Big Idea #3: Fear of Self-Expression

When we’re children, we get a blueprint/map of the world of how the world works. This is when we are imprinted about what it looks like and feels like to receive love. So if we learn as a child that “if I am myself, them I am not loved” – this is something that can stick with us through our lives. This can lead to feeling extremely unsafe in the world, and fearful of expressing who we really are. We may feel that if we express who we really are, then people will abandon us and we will be alone. 

And because we are so dependent as children, not getting love can actually feel as extreme as death. If we don’t receive love from those who care for us as children, then we can’t survive. So if we’re receiving this message that being our true selves means not having love, then expressing ourselves authentically as an adult can be terrifying. 

We tend to attract relationships that recreate our unconscious childhood love patterns in order to heal them. Recognize that it’s not a bad thing that’s occurring – it’s starting a process that will heal you.

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.