Happy NEW YEAR, IC tribe!!!

Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Tuesday, January 5th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: The Barbell Strategy

What happens when we feed a disconnect between our big dreams and where we’re currently at? In other words, how can we focus on our big dream, while supporting ourselves in the process?

This doesn’t need to be an “either/or” situation. In the book Antifragile, this is referred to as the barbell strategy. Basically, we want to put attention and energy to both ends of the spectrum. We can focus on creating something extraordinary that will stretch us beyond where we’ve ever been stretched before – and at the same time, we can live within the constraints of your current reality.

This might look like making conservative decisions in your lifestyle to save money, while working on building the business that will take you to the next level. It might mean taking a part or full-time job during the day, and using your free time to work on your passion project or business. When you make sure your bases are covered, you can really give yourself the space to work towards your big dreams.

Big Idea #2: The Passion Misconception

Society often glamorizes coaching and entrepreneurship, so many people think this lifestyle is all about jet-setting and beach lounging. In reality, coaching is a job! You have people who seriously count on you, and a huge responsibility to show up and do the work you need to do. If coaching is your big passion, recognize that you aren’t always going to want to do it. Here’s where the level of professionalism comes in with pursuing your passion – when you approach your passion as your real job, this is “going pro”. When we pursue the path that matters to us, there will be times where we don’t feel like doing it. But if we’re committed to making it our livelihood, we need to do the work even when we don’t feel like it.

Passion isn’t about always feeling good! Passion is the thing that you wanna do, even when you don’t wanna do it. Even when you’re exhausted, you know that this thing matters so much to you that you want to do it anyway and you’re committed to show up. 

Big Idea #3: Commitment Through “Failure”

What do we do when we put our energy into something and it just doesn’t work out? Whether that’s a business venture, creative project, or anything else, it can feel really crushing to put so much passion and energy into something, to have it not work out.

So have the courage to keep trying when something doesn’t work out. Step back and evaluate the situation, see what tweaks can be made or where you can shift your approach. And also have the wisdom and courage to pull back if something really isn’t working out – and shift your energy into something different.

How can we learn from this situation for the future, and build that into our plan going forward? When we learn from our past mistakes, we’ll have strategies that we’ve rehearsed and practiced to deal with them.

For every project you launch, there may be another project that doesn’t work out. But when we’re committed to our mission, we can continue to show up for the projects that DO work.  

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.