Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

We’re moving the calls back to our regular time – 5pm/EST – starting next week!

So our next call will be on Tuesday, February 9th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: You Are Not Your Thoughts

When we’re feeling a certain way, we often identify ourselves WITH our feelings. But think about this: if you had a cold, would you say “I am a cold?” NO! This seems absolutely crazy! But then why, when we have depression or sadness, do we say “I am depressed” or “I am sad”? Identifying ourselves with our feelings just increases a cycle of shame and heaviness. 

Our thoughts and feelings come and go, the same way that a cold passes. These feelings aren’t a core part of our being and identity -But when we MAKE them about our being and identity – it all becomes so much heavier!

Our thoughts come from the conditions that we put ourselves in. When we let the thoughts pass, as thoughts do… then we relieve ourselves of this heaviness of thinking “there must be something wrong with me!”

Big Idea #2: Reinventing Yourself

What happens when you go for something that you think is going to work out, but in your heart it doesn’t feel right? How do you make a big change in your life, even when it feels like it’s going against everything you’ve been working towards? 

Remember that a life well-lived is one where you’re constantly reinventing yourself and recreating yourself! It’s important to take our ego and self-worth off the line, and get out of this mindset that “quitting” something that isn’t working, means something bad about us as a person. The most important thing is to really look at what’s going to be best for us overall – for our health, well-being and happiness – and to model for those close to us, what it means to live in alignment with our truth. 

Big Idea #3: Working With Momentum

How can we create a good life in the meantime while still working at a job that feels draining? First of all: create a long-term vision that inspires you. And remember that you have permission to approach life however you wanna approach it – you don’t need to play by society’s rules! If you wanna have a dance party at 6am before going to work, just because it makes you feel awesome – DO it!! 

So what are the systems you need to get in place to make your desired outcome inevitable – and what can you do right NOW so that I can actually enjoy the process? Without a larger vision, there can be a sense of hopelessness when you’re stuck in a job or life that doesn’t work for you. But when you have a vision and are taking specific grounded action towards that vision, your job and life will feel so much more manageable – and you’ll find yourself actually enjoying the process of transition. 


Momentum is super important to keep in mind when you’re creating a new vision for your life. Momentum is something that builds up over time, and gets easier as you go on. It’s so important to build on your little wins – because momentum is what creates supportive habits in the long run! The biggest trap that people fall into when it comes to forming habits, is seeing things in black or white – and quitting when they miss ONE day! Give yourself permission to be human – and if you slip up once, get back on track the next day! 

This week’s challenge!

Think about a goal that you would love to achieve in the next year/6 months/3 months/whatever time period you’re inspired to play with.

What would it look like if that were to go as well as possible?

What challenges will come up when going for this goal?

What are 3 ways that you’ll be able to deal with these challenges?

Let’s connect!

Tell us how your challenge goes in the Facebook group!!!