Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, February 23rd at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Deciding Where to Move

What do you do when you are trying to decide where to live? This feels like a huge decision – and you might find yourself going back and forth between your options, stuck in indecision!

First of all, know that no matter what you pick, you will be okay. What might feel like a huge decision right now, really isn’t going to be permanent – you can always course-correct! Wherever you end up moving, you can always change course if it doesn’t end up being right for you.

All of life is an experiment, so ask yourself how can you learn from the experience, whichever thing you choose?

So a really powerful question to ask yourself when trying decide between different places to live is:

What experience do I want to get out of this?

And how can you create that experience you desire, wherever it is that you end up living?

Big Idea #2: Self-improvement vs. self-acceptance

Oftentimes, we jump into personal development work with the idea of “self-improvement”. But the real journey isn’t about improving our fixing ourselves somehow – it’s about accepting who we already are.

There are 2 different mindsets with people who are approaching spiritual, personal development work.

  1. I am not okay, and I’m doing whatever it takes to be okay! (need to fix myself)
  2. I’m already okay! Life isn’t perfect – but I want to go from “okay” to “great”!

The problem with mindset #1 is that you can never use this work to go from “not okay” to “okay”. This is actually just a form of avoidance, a disconnection from who we really are.

We MUST accept all the parts of us, in order to use the spiritual work to take our lives from good to great.

All of self-development is just entertainment if you’re not accepting yourself!

Big Idea #3: Transforming Nervousness

How can we deal with nervousness when it comes up in our life?

Instead of focusing on the nervousness, how can you reinterpret that in a positive light? What if you could interpret the nervousness as excitement, and knowing that this is really important to you?

The best performers in the world operate with nerves! They don’t hit some state of utter calmness – they’ve learned how to use the nerves to fuel their fire and passion for what they’re doing!

Learn to transmute your nerves into passion, and you’ll begin to show up with more conviction than if you had tried to cover up the nervousness.  

Let’s connect!

Tell us how your challenge goes in the Facebook group!!!